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Displaying items by tag: Dr Leslie Keegel

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:19

'Just Stay Calm' – Dr Leslie Keegel

I am sharing with you the Word of Encouragement the Lord gave me.

Exodus 14: 5 - 18 

Just Stay Calm

The children of Israel had just experienced the great deliverance from the enslaving arm of Pharaoh. As they were about to cross the Red Sea 600 chariots of Pharaoh’s army overtook them. The Israelites panicked and complained against Moses - “why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? It's better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness." But Moses told the people, “don’t be afraid, just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."

The covid-19 we are presently fighting against is like the armies of Egypt. Pharaoh’s armies overtook the children of Israel right at the brink of them crossing the Red Sea. The Israelites response to this major attack of intimidation was complaining against the man of God.

As we face death at the hands of our enemy, we stand hopeless and absolutely incapable of providing a resistance strong enough to defeat covid-19, I hear the Lord, say to us, "Don’t be afraid, Just stand still and watch me rescue you today. I will fight for you, just stay calm”

Just as the Lord admonished Moses to pick his staff and raise his hand over the Red Sea and commanded the Israelites “to get moving".  Moses exerted his authority against the Red Sea, the Lord gave victory over Pharaoh’s army. Let’s rise up in our God given authority and claim our victory over covid-19.

Along with the word the Lord gave me a vivid Vision last night; I saw a storm of locusts coming down in the skies to cripple everything which had life, human life, animal life, the fauna and the flora. The sight was very depressing, nothing refreshing remained in the air or atmosphere. These locusts were coming down in terrible devastating intention to destroy life and everything which represented life.

As I kept watching this horrible sight helplessly, breathing prayers of life and refreshing, I saw a beautiful cloud of angels surround the skies. The cloud of angels are the armies of the Lord. They began to push back the deadly locusts out of our skies and tormented atmosphere. I saw the dark sight of locusts disintegrate with great urgency. As soon as the locusts disappeared the angels covered our skies and atmosphere with a beautiful white refreshing sheet,  it indeed was a huge net. The net kept the devastating locusts from entering the human domain. I saw certain parts of the net having holes, which the angels quickly patched beautifully. The present devastation will soon be gone and the fields will be prepared for the great harvest.

What we are experiencing presently are the hot winds blowing on the fields. The hot winds are preparing the harvest to ripen. The harvest will soon be gathered in.

The harvesting angels are ready to gather in the harvest.

Dr Leslie Keegel
Four Square Church | IPC Senior Advisor