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Displaying items by tag: Difference programme

Justin Welby has launched the Difference programme for church youth groups through his Reconciliation Ministry. This initiative aims to nurture a new generation of peacemakers, building on its success in churches, prisons, and secondary schools. Difference draws on Christ’s teachings and expert peacemakers' wisdom, equipping young people with three practical habits: Be Present, Be Curious, and Reimagine. These habits are designed to foster empathy, understanding, and resilience in building relationships and managing conflicts. The programme, developed with input from youth workers and education experts, includes immersive sessions which engage young people in meaningful dialogue and practical exercises. It was piloted in several churches across the country. To celebrate the launch, Archbishop Welby hosted over 400 guests at Lambeth Palace. The event featured a procession by young people highlighting global and local divisions, followed by activities and a performance by the Christ’s Hospital choir. The evening included football skills sessions, prayer activities, and opportunities to explore the Difference materials, emphasising the importance of reconciliation and peace.

Published in British Isles