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Displaying items by tag: Dangerous Political Victory

Prime Minister Viktor Orban won his fourth term in Hungary’s general election. In his victory speech, Orban said, ‘We never had so many opponents, Brussels bureaucrats, the international mainstream media, and the Ukrainian president.’ He has close ties with Moscow and has banned transferring arms to Ukraine. Victory for Orban means a headache for the EU. In 12 years of tenure, he has rewritten the constitution, filled the top courts with his appointees, and changed the electoral system to his advantage. During campaigning, the opposition's catchphrase was ‘Orban or Europe’ complaining he had isolated Hungary from the European mainstream, from consensual democracy, fairness and decency. Hungary is isolated in the EU and NATO - but neither institution will ostracise him. They want to show Russia Western unity so he will remain an unpredictable thorn in their side. Orban said Hungary would pay Russia in rubles for gas – other European countries have ruled it out.

Published in Europe