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Displaying items by tag: Dallas

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:03

Ethne Prayer Training Event 5-9th Nov 2017 (Dallas)

The Ethne Strategic Prayer Group together with the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists are embarking on an ambitious project to collate and revise existing material on prayer training with additional new material to produce simple, replicable prayer training material for 6 of the following profile groups. The aim is to multiple and mobilize the body of Christ to pray effectively for the remaining unreached groups and those with little access to the Gospel.

Please stand with the team in prayer as we meet together for this intensive time of responding to the Holy Spirits leading to produce material for this season of urgent effective prayer.

For more information please write to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. receive the prayer shield information sheet and details of online calls during the 5-9th Nov event.

6 Identified Types of Prayer Training Needed:

  1. Prayer training in Discovery Bible Study (DBS) format for new believers especially those which would be coming out from efforts of strategy teams, to especially include praying for the Unreached peoples.
  2. Prayer training for churches wanting to help their congregations learn how to better engage in prayer for Unreached people's. Churches are calling their people to prayer; how do we help see that they are not only praying inwardly for themselves, their families, their churches, their neighborhoods (which is our Jerusalem), but also prayer for the Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth?
  3. Prayer training for New prayer coordinators and/or those wanting to sharpen their skills for serving organizations/networks/partnerships;
  4. Prayer training for "twinning" project like Inherit the Nations which would be matching communities of prayer with frontline field workers representing specific UPGs/teams. Training would be for both the frontline worker representatives as well as the prayer communities’ leaders.
  5. Training for Children learning about and praying for UPGs;
  6. Prayer strategists with strategy teams (Ephesus vision) prayer training on the "spheres of prayer" involved as strategy in igniting movements to Christ (probably also in DBS format where possible with attending bibliographies)

Thank you for standing with us,
Jenny Oliphant and Liz Adleta