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Displaying items by tag: Coping with Cold

Friday, 10 March 2023 04:04

UK: Coping with cold

A level three cold alert was issued all over England. Heavy snow and travel disruption are expected across central and northern England, an amber warning is in place over mid and north Wales where major disruption is likely. There are warnings over the Peak District, Leeds, the Yorkshire Dales and North Pennines for 10 – 40 cm snow and blizzard conditions. People in the worst affected areas are advised to work from home. On March 7th the National Grid used two reserve coal power units to be synced into the National Grid. This wasn't the first-time reserves were ready to go, but it was the first time they were used. Pray for the National Grid and coal plants to continue preventing homes, hospitals or businesses losing heat. Pray for the safety of elderly and frail living in rural communities who could be isolated by snow drifts. Pray for drivers to pack warm clothes, snacks, a charged phone and a shovel.

Published in British Isles