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Displaying items by tag: Continual Prayer Event

Friday, 28 February 2020 03:13

168 hours of prayer on Table Mountain

At the time of writing, intercessors have been praying since 6pm on Saturday 22 February and will finish at 6pm on Saturday 29 February. They are praying the Word of God without ceasing in pre-registered one-hour slots from Genesis to Revelation. There are also seven evenings of prayer, worship and encounter meetings during this period. The prayer focuses on unity (Psalm 33), healing of the nation and the land (2 Chronicles 7:14) and revival in South Africa and the nations (Habakkuk 2:14). On Saturday 29 February prayer and prophecy will focus on repenting on behalf of the nation for bloodshed, sexual immorality, idolatry, breaking covenant with God, witchcraft, etc.

Published in Praise Reports