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Displaying items by tag: Cold Snap

Thursday, 08 December 2022 21:17

Cold snap begins

The UK has snow and ice warnings in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the east coast of England. Forecasts of icy temperatures will last until at least early next week, possibly beyond.  if people cannot heat every room or are struggling with heating costs, they are being advised by health officials to heat living rooms during the day and bedrooms before going to sleep. Pray for enough shelters to be provided for the homeless people. Pray for the elderly and sick to have plenty of hot food and drinks to keep warm and to stay warm regardless of heating costs. Fuel poverty charity National Energy Action called on the Government to step in with more help for those at greatest peril this winter: pray for the Government to listen and act. Pray for more ‘warm banks’ to be established, providing heated buildings for people to visit.

Published in British Isles

It snowed in southern Albania for the first time in 32 years. The homeless are dying. Most rural areas are cut off by snow. There are temporary power and water outages and army helicopters are distributing aid in mountain areas. Shipping along Europe’s second-longest waterway is suspended as freezing conditions grip the continent, causing hardship among migrants, homeless and elderly.  On Tuesday the death toll was 61, one-third in Poland. Icy conditions in Serbia claimed two lives. Refugees are at risk in Greece. Three people died in the past three days in Macedonia from temperatures of -20C. A 68-year-old homeless man froze to death in the capital, Skopje, while a 60-year-old man died in front of his home in Strumica. Authorities urged homeless people to go to shelters and local schools, which are taking them in during the cold spell. Elsewhere roofs are collapsing and schools are closed.

Published in Europe