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Displaying items by tag: Christian leadership

Thursday, 20 January 2022 19:56

Africa: Christian leadership training

There are not enough theology teachers or leaders for village congregations or the urban educated. There needs to be serious consideration of what kind of training is most appropriate for Africans, including teaching and communication methods, curriculum and content, and length of courses and modules. Too much foreign structure and content has been imposed. Africans must develop training that works for Africans and deals with the Afrocentric issues facing the Church. Out of 150 theological colleges and programmes, only two are at postgraduate level. Discernment is needed to know those anointed by the Spirit for future leadership and those applying for prestige, potential employment, desire for education, etc. Church poverty and lack of understanding among potential donors hamper developing Bible training institutions. Financial needs are endless. Generosity from African and global churches is required for such vital ministry to continue. Pray for abundant modular training and training-in-service for both lay leaders and pastors.

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