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Displaying items by tag: Christian democracy

Thursday, 14 September 2023 22:02

Hungary: a Christian democracy?

Prime minister Viktor Orbán believes Europe can be saved if it returns to its ‘real values, its Christian identity.’ He said, ‘We Hungarians believe that Christian culture is the cornerstone that holds the architecture of European civilisation in place’. Hungary differs from Europe in its attitude to illegal immigrants. While resisting the influx, it tries to help people to live and thrive in their own countries by rebuilding schools, hospitals and dwellings in troubled parts of the world and providing education at Hungarian universities for young people. Orbán has said, ‘Hungarian people and their government believe that Christian virtues provide peace and happiness to those who practise them. This legacy obliges us to protect Christian communities persecuted across the world as far as we are able.’ Hungary also bans the teaching of homosexuality in schools, which Emmanuel Macron says is ‘not in line with Europe’s values and what Europe is’. The country has moved from Soviet domination through post-communist chaos to Christian democracy.

Published in Europe