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Displaying items by tag: Christian MP

Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:32

‘My faith makes me unfashionable’

Tory MP Danny Kruger, a Christian, says his faith makes him unfashionable and is likely to affect his political career. He grew up in an atheist home but 'always felt that wasn't adequate', and converted aged 28 after reading Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. The former political secretary to Boris Johnson said, ‘The religion of our culture at the moment, I'm afraid, is liberal individualism. It's not Christianity. I'm not part of the governing faith of our country at the moment.’ Kruger caused controversy by speaking out against abortion. He pointed out that ‘somewhere along the journey towards birth the foetus or baby acquires rights of its own’. Regarding assisted dying, he said, ‘If somebody is standing on the cliff edge or on a bridge intending to throw themselves off, we try to stop them. We don't say, ”It's your absolute autonomy to end your life”. We think that it's a bad move to commit suicide.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 May 2021 09:37

Finland: Christian MP could face prison

Former government minister and current MP Päivi Räsänen is charged over her tweet about homosexuality, when she posted a picture of her Bible open at Romans 1:24-27 which describes homosexuality as 'shameful'. In the post she questioned the decision of the church of which she is a member to support a gay pride event. Following complaints, police questioned her and launched an investigation. This resulted in her being charged over the tweet, and also comments made on TV in 2018 and a pamphlet about marriage which she wrote in 2004. All charges are linked to 'hate speech'. Vowing to fight the charges, Ms Räsänen said, ‘I will go to court with a peaceful and brave mind, trusting that Finland is a constitutional state where the freedoms of speech and religion, which are guaranteed both in international agreements and in our constitution, are respected.’

Published in Europe