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Displaying items by tag: ChinaAfrica summit

Thursday, 05 September 2024 22:20

Africa: China promises closer collaboration

Liu Yuxi, China’s special envoy for African affairs, says China and Africa are set to strengthen their partnership in response to global challenges, particularly hegemonism and Cold War-era attitudes. He has outlined plans for this week’s Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit, which will enhance collaboration in global governance, security, trade, and investment. There will be mutual benefits from this partnership, with Africa's natural resources and growing population complementing China's capital, technology, and development experience. African leaders have gathered in Beijing for the summit, hosted by Xi Jinping, at which China, Africa's largest trading partner, will focus on further cooperation. Liu rejected the idea of Africa being a battleground for major powers, urging the international community to consider Africa’s perspective and support its peace and development.

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