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Displaying items by tag: Chad

Cameroon’s military has rescued over 300 civilians, mostly women and children, from Boko Haram captivity along the borders with Nigeria and Chad. The operation, called Alpha, took place over the past week and involved around 200 government troops. Oumar Fatime, a vegetable farmer from Ngouboua, Chad, described her abduction by Boko Haram fighters on 17 April and the subsequent threat to kill her and others if ransoms were not paid. Cameroon state TV aired footage of the rescued civilians arriving at a military camp in Dabanga. The operation, which also involved seizing weapons, explosives, motorcycles, and bicycles, was supported by troops from Chad and Nigeria. Many Boko Haram militants were killed or wounded. Boko Haram violence has resulted in over 36,000 deaths and displaced three million people since 2009 across Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, and Chad.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:43

Chad: Bibles reaching the unreached

On 30 December, a Migaama New Testament was launched.  A Christian said, ‘This translated word has above all given a freedom to put into practice the word of God at any time. It has broken certain traditions - grudges, difficulties with forgiveness, and reconciliation. It has given us strength to resist in difficulties. It has transformed this resentful people to become Christian people full of love. Finally, this word has become a shield for the Christian Migaami people. They continually make use of this shield to face up to difficulties.’ The leader of the Migaami said, ‘The word of God translated into our language can change lives.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 October 2020 21:20

Chad: Christians on the brink

There is ‘a serious threat to the survival of the Christian faith in Chad,’ says Rev Clément Hlama. Islam dominates Chadian society, and discrimination against Christians is normal. Poor and uneducated Christians are vulnerable to exploitation and are the most severely affected by 2020’s multiple disasters. Flooding affected 400,000 people. Christians in rural areas lost homes and harvests. Covid-19 lockdown damaged small businesses and prevented farmers travelling to their fields. Food prices shot up, causing malnutrition to escalate. Measles and meningitis outbreaks earlier this year are in decline, but the viral disease chikungunya and a type of vaccine-derived polio is continuing to spread. Cholera is endemic in parts of the south. This would be bad enough for any country, but Chad’s frail health resources cannot begin to cope. Islamic charities are active amongst the Christians, Islamising them through offers of aid.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 September 2019 21:15

Chad: 30 killed in landslide

Chad’s defence minister has said that a landslide at an illegal gold mine had killed about thirty people in a region near the Libyan border early on 24 September, and more victims might still be buried in the rubble. There has been rapid growth in illegal mining in recent years, often by refugees from Sudan looking for quick money to head to Europe or by rebels fighting the army. Unsafe methods and a lack of oversight mean that accidents are common at such mines across Africa, where impoverished communities seek a share of the vast resources that are usually dug up by international companies, processed and sent overseas. As gold surges, so does illegal mining across Chad, South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Nigeria - bringing crime, danger and risk to fragile environments.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:33

Chad: open doors to Christian mission

Largely semi-desert, Chad is one of the poorest and least-developed countries in the world with 150 different ethnic groups. Most have not heard of Jesus. Drought, civil conflict, distance from the sea and poor infrastructure cause health and social problems. Life expectancy averages 47 years and infant mortality remains high. The nation is plagued by waterborne diseases such as malaria and meningitis. Pray for Mission Africa, the Evangelical Church of Chad, and Korean NGOs, who responded to these needs in the areas of evangelism and medical care. Pray also for Mission Chad who care for 83 orphans, teach 470 students, and help people to cultivate farm land for future harvests. Also, the Global Alliance of Church Missionaries works with young churches running Christian radio stations for the 120 languages spoken among communities who have never heard the gospel. See https://team.org/regions/africa/chad

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:14

Chad: an unlikely open door

It's a volatile neighbourhood with conflicts, terrorism, and food shortages on all sides. With Libya to its north, Sudan to its east, Central African Republic and Cameroon to its south, and Nigeria to its west, Chad continually attracts the masses seeking refuge when trouble occurs across this region. But there is little refuge to be found, only inadequate infrastructure, instability, conflict, immense poverty, notorious governmental corruption and threats of terrorism. The people of Chad have urgent physical needs. But there is an even greater tragedy that affects eternity: there are more unreached people groups in Chad than in any other nation on earth. The good news is that the number of Muslims turning to Christ is steadily growing. Efforts to reach the unreached are seeing fruit! The door in Chad remains miraculously open to the Gospel.

Published in Worldwide