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Displaying items by tag: Calais

Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:20

Border Force intercepts migrants

So far this year almost 500 migrants have been intercepted while crossing the Dover Straits, from coronavirus-infected Calais camps. On 8 April four boats carrying 57 migrants (23 of them Iranian) were intercepted by the Border Force in the English Channel. The previous day 63 migrants had tried to cross the Channel, despite lockdown measures remaining in place in the UK. Last week 52 Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan nationals, including five children, came ashore at Dover. All such migrants will be monitored for signs of Covid-19, the Home Office added. They go into isolation, and twenty places are reserved for those with coronavirus symptoms. Up to 3,000 migrants are living in northern France in desperate conditions, at high risk from coronavirus. Pray for the home secretary and her French counterpart as they tackle this situation, complicated by the coronavirus crisis. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 January 2018 10:31

New Calais border treaty

Last week we prayed for God to soften President Macron’s heart and prompt him to help refugees still living rough in Calais while officials take months to process their claims. On 19 January Mr Macron and Theresa May signed a treaty designed to reduce the backlog of migrants by greater cooperation. The agreement will strengthen an accord known as Le Touquet, signed in 2003, which moved the British border to France. This will remain in force, but Macron said France will no longer be Britain’s ‘coastguard’ without concessions from the UK to help ease the crisis. Under the new, legally binding treaty, Britain will speed up ways of accepting legitimate asylum seekers currently stranded in Calais, including those seeking to re-join families in the UK and unaccompanied children.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 12 January 2018 11:31

France: refugees still sleeping rough

President Macron said he wanted refugees ‘off the streets’ by 2018, but there are still a thousand of them sleeping rough on Paris streets. Solidarithé provide them with coffee, blankets, and information. A Solidarithé volunteer said that Macron wanted to make the problem invisible, but refugees are just hiding in smaller groups throughout north Paris and Calais. The police order them to move on, and even spray them with tear gas. Refugees’ tents are slashed and sleeping bags and blankets are stolen - anything to stop people sleeping on the streets. It is winter, and health problems are getting worse. Macron has said France is a terre d’accueil (land of welcome), but refugees have no toilets or blankets. If they sleep on the pavement they have to do so standing up. Also 700 migrants are living rough in Calais. See

Published in Europe