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Displaying items by tag: COP28

Thursday, 14 December 2023 21:45

COP28: historic move away from fossil fuels

At the end of COP28, nations have made a historic move by explicitly targeting the use of fossil fuels for the first time. The talks in Dubai came close to collapse, but in a dramatic turn-around, nations agreed to ‘transition away’ from coal, oil, and gas, although some small island nations felt the deal was rushed. The agreement departed from earlier, stronger language advocating for a ‘phase-out’ of fossil fuels, probably because of pressure from oil-producing nations. The deal recognises the need to transition away from fossil fuels ‘in a just, orderly and equitable manner.’ It also acknowledges that global emissions could peak before 2025. Despite criticisms and challenges for a variety of reasons, the deal (which is seen as a victory for Sultan al-Jaber, the conference’s president) was accepted by all participating nations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 December 2023 21:43

COP28: illegal wildlife trade a huge threat

During COP28, a panel discussed the urgent need to address the vast and damaging illegal wildlife trade. The panel highlighted the severe consequences of this trade, which ranks as the fourth-largest illicit trade globally, valued at over $23 billion annually, mainly controlled by criminal networks. It poses a significant threat to biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate. It disrupts natural balance, impacting global sustainability. This illegal trade is transnational and organised, generating enormous profits; it was pointed out that banks have regulatory obligations to combat financial system abuse by such criminals. DP World, a major global supply chain solutions provider, revealed that a high portion of illegal wildlife trade products is transported by the maritime sector. The panel called for greater cooperation among stakeholders, including the financial sector, transport industry, and law enforcement, to combat this critical issue.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:34

COP28: possible breakthrough on fossil fuels?

The UN climate change conference in Dubai, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, is on the verge of a significant breakthrough in addressing climate change. The UAE negotiating team expresses 'cautious optimism' that COP28 will commit to gradually reducing and possibly eliminating fossil fuels over the coming decades. This is a remarkable shift, as fossil fuels were rarely discussed at previous climate conferences until COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, where the focus was on phasing down coal. While the commitment in Dubai may not set a specific expiry date for fossil fuel use and will probably allow for ‘abated’ fossil fuels with carbon capture, it represents a historic acknowledgment of the need to address the primary source of climate change. Sultan al-Jaber, COP28 president and head of UAE state oil company Adnoc, has been advocating for a fossil fuel phase-out; this underscores the significance of addressing climate change even in such a major oil-producing country. Interestingly, the number of delegates representing fossil fuel interests has quadrupled compared to COP27: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:36

COP28: Pope unable to attend

Pope Francis has announced that due to health concerns he will be unable to attend the COP28 climate conference in Dubai, which will run from 30 November to 12 December. The Pope has been an advocate for environmental protection and climate action, and his absence from the conference is seen as a setback to efforts to address climate change on a global scale. The Vatican is investigating whether there is any way he could contribute to COP28 remotely. Representatives of 197 nations will be attending the conference, and among notable participants will be King Charles III, Rishi Sunak, and Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:33

COP28: UAE denies claims of deals on fossil fuels

President Sultan al-Jaber has denied allegations that the UAE plans to use the COP28 climate summit to negotiate oil and gas deals with other nations, as reported by the BBC on 27 November. Leaked briefing documents indicated the UAE's intention to discuss fossil fuel agreements with fifteen countries during the summit. The documents revealed proposed talking points for various countries, including China, Colombia, Germany, and Egypt, regarding fossil fuel collaboration. Mr Jaber, who is also the CEO of UAE's state oil company, Adnoc, and renewables business, Masdar, dismissed the allegations, calling them false and inaccurate. The controversy raises concerns about the intersection of climate goals and fossil fuel interests. The hope is that COP28 will help limit the long-term global temperature rise to 1.5C, which the UN's climate science body says is crucial to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. But that will require drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions - a 43% reduction by 2030 from 2019 levels.

Published in Worldwide

The global oil and gas industry faces a critical juncture at the upcoming UN climate talks (COP28), according to Dr Fatih Birol, the head of the International Energy Agency (IEA). She emphasised that the sector must make a pivotal choice between exacerbating the climate crisis or actively contributing to its resolution. Last year, fossil fuel companies allocated a mere 1% of global investment to renewable energy. At COP28, the IEA intends to exert pressure on participating governments to agree on measures for reducing fossil fuel usage. Dr Birol stressed that a successful transition to clean energy necessitates reduced demand for oil and gas, requiring the scaling back of fossil fuel operations. Meeting climate goals involves embracing carbon capture technology while simultaneously reducing emissions, but currently carbon capture capacity worldwide is insufficient to meet these objectives. The fossil fuel industry, although a major investor in carbon capture and storage, is being strongly criticised for its inadequate investment in renewable energy.

Published in Worldwide

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called on global faith leaders to take action against the effects of climate change. Speaking at the Global Leaders Faith Summit in Abu Dhabi, Justin Welby emphasised the challenges millions of Christians worldwide face due to the climate crisis. He stressed the importance of caring for the climate and neighbours, especially the poor and vulnerable, and urged faith leaders to lead by example in protecting the planet. The Archbishop's audience included UN secretary-general António Guterres and a Vatican representative. He highlighted that faith leaders represent the majority of people globally and can demonstrate the desire for change and support bold decisions at COP28. The Church of England has committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030, divesting from fossil fuels. Archbishop Welby's message precedes COP28  in Dubai, which Pope Francis plans to attend - the first time a pope will participate in the UN environmental meeting since its inception in 1995.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 October 2023 20:24

Middle East churches' symposium ahead of COP28

Dave Bookless of A Rocha writes: ‘On 4-5 October I spoke at a symposium on “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” held in Beirut by the Middle East Council of Churches. It was remarkable to see all the diverse cardinals, metropolitans, bishops and archimandrites, and hundreds of robed and bearded priests and seminary students, all coming together to address creation care. All the churches of the region were represented - an amazing witness to Christian unity. The whole event was televised across the Middle East. Amazingly, all the Churches of the Middle East have agreed to a joint statement and call to action which will be presented at COP28, due to be held in Dubai at the end of November.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 April 2023 21:41

Global: objections to COP28 president

Sultan Al Jaber, the CEO of the UAE’s national oil company, Adnoc, has been controversially appointed president of the UN’s COP28 summit in December; campaigners say this makes a mockery of the summit. Adnoc, the world’s 11th biggest oil and gas producer, delivered over a billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE) in 2021. Time is running out to end the climate crisis, yet Sultan Al Jaber is overseeing expansion to produce extra oil and gas, equivalent to 7.5bn barrels of oil, the fifth largest increase in the world. 90% would have to remain in the ground to meet the net zero scenario of the International Energy Agency. The UAE has the third largest plans for oil and gas expansion in the world, surpassed only by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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