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Displaying items by tag: Bethlehem to Rwanda

Friday, 17 August 2018 10:24

Bethlehem to Ireland to Rwanda, with love

When Saleem left Bethlehem in the West Bank to attend YWAM’s Discipleship Training School in Belfast, he said he felt like a nobody ‘because of my past, and who I was’. But while his outreach team were in Rwanda, he played soccer with friends and talked to them about his past, the situation in his country, and what God was teaching him about forgiveness. ‘After I spoke, a Hutu stood up and said his family was killed by Tutsis in the war, and he was getting ready to go to the Congo to join a Hutu rebel group so he could get revenge by killing Tutsis.’ But after he heard Saleem’s testimony, God touched his heart, and he said he now was choosing the grace of God. That night God spoke to Saleem, ‘He said, “See my son, your past is important, and you are everything to me”. From that night on, I knew that I was really someone!’

Published in Praise Reports