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Displaying items by tag: Bedfordshire

A 31-year-old man from Bedfordshire has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences after police discovered 'suspicious substances' at his home. Initially arrested on 6 May for causing explosions likely to endanger life and possessing Class A drugs, the man was found with several suspicious items. Bedfordshire Police conducted a small controlled explosion last week and informed the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism officers. The man was bailed while investigations continued but was re-arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of possessing articles for terrorist purposes. The police reported finding numerous items and substances at his address, which are being safely removed by specialist officers. They assured the public that there is no risk to local residents or the wider community. Locals described the man as living with his parents, with his mother stating he collected chemicals. She maintained it was unrelated to terrorism and that police were being over-cautious.

Published in British Isles