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Displaying items by tag: Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly election took place yesterday, and counting the votes has begun. At the time of going to press, the two dominant parties of unionism and nationalism, the DUP and Sinn Féin, expected to retain their seats. The election was triggered by the collapse of the Assembly's power-sharing agreement, following Sinn Féin's refusal to replace Martin McGuinness as leader and deputy First Minister. We can pray that whoever sits in positions of influence after the election will be filled with God’s anointing and will speak according to God’s plans and purposes that rise above and beyond man’s wisdom. Lord, Your gospel is a Gospel of reconciliation; we pray for Your people to walk more under the Headship of Jesus, and in the unity that comes through Kingdom purpose. May they lead the way so that all communities divided through religion, culture, social status and political opinion will be healed.

Published in British Isles