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Displaying items by tag: As One

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:38

IPC Calendar

As One Canada – 7-10 August 2019


Highway 19 Prayer Summit: Tbilisi, Georgia – 16-19 August 2019

Pray With Youth – 22 September 2019


United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


Our conference is fast approaching and we anticipate a very special time as we meet in this year of promise. The ‘As One’ title reflects Jesus’ desire that His Church be one, but we have seen the church split and disagreeing over minor issues, we have seen people jockeying to control the Church rather than serve it. Things must change if the world is to see God’s Kingdom come.

As One links with the command a centurion would give his legionaries as they faced a hail of stones and as spears flew towards them. Raise the shields As One, move forward and possess the land As One.

We are pleased to announce that Malcolm Duncan will be joining us again for As One and he will be giving prophetic teaching and direction. We will also have practical workshops on extraordinary prayer for place, harvest, the prodigals and the nations.

The As One focus will be seen in our prayer and worship - God’s people standing together in deep praise, with servant hearts to see things change and be released in our nation. We expect all delegates to return home with a renewed sense of expectation and authority.

Tickets are going fast - people share our expectation that this will be a special time. To book visit worldprayer.org.uk or call 0121 633 73093.

This year will be special - think about other people you could bring along - your pastor, a younger leader, or other friends so they can share the As One experience.

Published in WPC News