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Displaying items by tag: Ann Low

We would like to extend a warm invitation to the South East Asia Prayer Council Conference 2019 which takes place from 8th to 11th October 2019 at the Changi Village Hotel in Singapore.

We are grateful to Senior Pastor DjohanHandoyo from Bethany Church Singapore who is our Host this year.  Pastor Handoyo along with Reverend Edmund Smith, founder and Director of Real Love Ministry (RLM) Melaka, Malaysia, will be speaking on the theme: 'From Glory to Glory' - How we experience His Glory!

Dr Jason Hubbard – Executive Coordinator of IPC will also be taking part.

We look forward to welcoming delegates from the 11 nations of South East Asia as well as international visitors and IPC friends from around the world.

Full details of the event along with links to Register and Book accommodation are on the conference website at www.seaprayer2019singapore.org/

In His service,

Pastor Veronica Lorenzana | Pastor Ann Low

South East Asia Prayer Council