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Displaying items by tag: Albanian children

Thursday, 08 December 2022 21:47

Dozens of Albanian child migrants missing

Almost 20% of unaccompanied child migrants from Albania in Kent County Council care have disappeared this year. Out of 197 children, 39 are missing. Ecpat UK, which campaigns to protect children from exploitation, said the figures were very concerning. The council said it worked closely with the Home Office and police to safeguard vulnerable children, but it can be very difficult to prevent some children from going missing. They attempt to identify beforehand any who are vulnerable to exploitation, and when a child is found they perform a debriefing to learn any lessons. The council felt under pressure over the number of asylum-seeking children it is required to take on, sometimes refusing to accept any more, with services at breaking point. Meanwhile children face labour exploitation in construction work, car washes, drug distribution, or the sex industry. The challenge of safeguarding children remains very real.

Published in British Isles