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Displaying items by tag: After the Fire

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:49

California: After the fire

Nearly 7,700 homes and buildings burned in Northern California’s unprecedented wildfires. Like many others, they had minutes to grab important documents and photo albums. ‘The day after the fire my mother-in-law spent the afternoon searching through rubble. She returned weary but eager to show me one find; her mother’s porcelain Christmas ornaments, still dusted in ash. This struck me as a picture of grace. At Christmas we decorate trees. As Christians, we do this in celebration of God’s merciful plan for redemption - Christ   came to earth to die for sinners, the just for the unjust, making good the destruction sin has wrought. Yet, how often do I sing ‘Amazing Grace’ without amazement, blinded by comforts and my perceived self-sufficiency. Thank God for being at work in trials and suffering. Praise Him whether you are in plenty or in want, whether well fed or hungry.

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