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Displaying items by tag: Afrin

Friday, 19 July 2019 11:12

Syria: Bombs outside church

IS claimed responsibility for detonating a car bomb in front of a church in the city of Qamishli, which is held by the Kurdish YPG militia, injuring at least eight people. Earlier that day a bomb killed 11 civilians, including children, in the city of Afrin, on the border with Turkey. Many others were wounded, some seriously, in the explosion at the entrance to the city. One report said the bomb was planted in a diesel fuel tanker left in a residential area of Afrin and that many homes were damaged in the explosion and subsequent fire. Afrin, was held by the Kurdish YPG until 2018 when it was seized by Turkish-backed militia.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:08

Syria: Turkish action in Afrin

Turkey’s flag flew over Afrin while Turkish-led factions, including Salafi jihadi groups, were plundering the city. Images emerging from Afrin resembled a medieval army taking booty. Experts, observers and international anti-IS coalition officials expected Syrian Kurdish fighters to put up a stronger resistance to protect the land, believing Turkey’s victory would come at a greater cost. Since these fighters handed over Afrin without engaging in urban warfare, most people believe the Turkish intervention is a prelude to a wider offensive against other cities under the control of the Kurdish forces. On 20 March Erdogan vowed to expand Turkey's Syria campaign to the Kurdish-held areas up to the Iraqi border. But Syria’s government heavily criticised Turkey's ‘occupation’ of Afrin and demanded that Turkish forces withdraw.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:52

Syria: another crisis developing

German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the Bundestag in Berlin on 21 March and condemned as ‘unacceptable’ Turkey’s military offensive in Syria’s northern town of Afrin. She criticized Russia for ‘just watching’ the continuing attacks by Syrian forces on eastern Ghouta. The previous day the UN called for full access to civilians in both places. Ankara said its military operations are defensive and criticised Berlin for not doing more to crack down on supporters of the PKK in Germany. Turkey’s response to America arming Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces in the area is to launch military operations against the Kurdish-controlled Afrin region, risking further confrontation.The lives and safety of 350,000 Afrin civilians are at risk. Pray for the families who are being charged thousands of dollars by Syrian forces for safe passage into government-held areas. See also:- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-turkey-germany/germany-condemns-turkish-military-offensive-in-syria-idUSKBN1GX1EI

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 February 2018 09:40

Turkish offensive on Afrin

On 20 January, Turkey launched an air and ground offensive against the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces in Afrin, on the Syrian/Turkish border. The action has revealed a well-defined split in the Syrian public between supporters and opponents of the operation of daily bombing by troops, tanks, artillery and war planes. Some Syrians support this action as it could provide an opportunity for them to return home; others fear Turkey’s intentions are far from noble. Hundreds have died. 400,000 Kurds are sheltering in Afrin, and no one can enter or leave the area. Many believers are sheltering in churches. See also

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