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Displaying items by tag: Abortion Bill Amendment

Friday, 12 July 2019 13:17

Northern Ireland: abortion bill

Parliament has backed an amendment that could force abortion on Northern Ireland (NI) after Labour's Stella Creasy put forward the amendment as part of a Commons debate aimed at keeping NI running in spite of a devolved government. NI's abortion law has saved 100,000 lives and many believe it is entirely inappropriate for Westminster to force abortion liberalisation on NI in the absence of Stormont. (MPs have been known to put forward amendments to further their own campaigns in the process). Putting forward an amendment does not mean it will change NI’s abortion law. However, if devolution is not restored by the 21 October the amendment could be passed to the Speaker, John Bercow, to choose if it goes forward; and then it would be down to Commons votes. The DUP reacted angrily to the decision.

Published in British Isles