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Displaying items by tag: 40,000 Revival Prayer Groups

Friday, 04 August 2023 05:43

24/7 Prayer in Taiwan

Rising tensions between China and Taiwan have reached a critical juncture. Taiwan faces almost daily Chinese military harassment. As concerns rise, Taiwan's Christians are taking to their knees. A prayer movement has united believers across Taiwan, inspiring 40,000+ revival prayer groups, including participants from China's underground churches. Each group has about 5 members, so the current total is about 200,000 participants. People meet 24/7 to pray for revival, unity, repentance, and protection over Taiwan, trusting that, through prayer, miracles happen, and a pathway to peace can be found. Rev. Peter Yang has pastored and planted churches in Taiwan since 1978 and he's never seen the kind of unity now on display. ‘Every day, every week, I join pastors from other churches, other denominations, and we pray for our cities, for our nation, for other countries. It's amazing, it's clearly God's doing. Unity will be the legacy of this movement.’

Published in Praise Reports