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Displaying items by tag: 40 Days to Keep the Harvest

Download the GO21 Year of the Upper Room - 40 Days Prayer Guide - with a daily focus on a different unreached people group.

The year is divided into 9 seasons of 40 days Prayer, Fasting, Worship and the Word

Acts 1:8 for the lost in our “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & ends of the earth)

The current Season 5 runs from 13 June – 23 July 2021.  The Theme is '40 Days to Keep the Harvest' - “but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30d

The downloadable / printable prayer guide includes a space to include the names of 5 people that we can pray for and seek the opportunity to share Jesus with.

Download the GO21 Year of the Upper Room - 40 Days Prayer Guide - with a daily focus on an unreached people group.

The year is divided into 9 seasons of 40 days Prayer, Fasting, Worship and the Word.

Praying for the lost in ‘Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & ends of the earth’. Acts 1:8

The current Season 5 runs from 13 June – 23 July 2021. The Theme is '40 Days to Keep the Harvest' - “but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30.

The downloadable / printable prayer guide includes space to write the names of 5 people that we can commit to pray for and seek the opportunity to share Jesus with.