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Displaying items by tag: 10 More Days of Devastation

Friday, 28 February 2020 03:20

Flooding devastation to last 10 days

England has received over 200% of its average February rainfall, with some areas experiencing a month's rain in 24 hours and landowners may be paid to let fields flood to protect towns. Pray for the farmers facing the challenges of caring for their livestock on land that is already inundated with snow now melting into saturated ground. Livestock have been lost. May God give them hope for the future. Pray for communities coping with the devastation of roads being cut off, cars under water, and railway lines under threat. Continue to pray for inner strength to fill those who have had their homes, businesses and possessions destroyed by flood water. Ask God to provide all the much-needed resources as (for example) Snaith Priory Church opens its doors as a rest centre, providing food, drinks and beds. Pray for all those working in the emergency services, repairing the infrastructure and building temporary flood defences wherever they are needed.

Published in British Isles