International Prayer Connections
The World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia in May was the most significant international pray gathering I have ever been part of. It was truly tri-generational (Abrahams, Isaacs and Jacobs), multi-ethnic and global. Between 9,000 and 10,000 participants from 86 nations attended the Assembly. Each morning and evening, we had plenary…
1. It was such a blessing for the Chinese to have the biggest group of more than 600 participants among the internationals to attend this historical event of the WPA. And there are four generations walking together including many elderly, lots of adults, a group of young people and a…
The Lord is using the prayers of children to shape a new nation in Myanmar (Burma)! “Here are some pictures taken on May 1, 2012. The multiple denominational children intercession conference was held in Yangon. We were more than 3600 participants (mostly children, their teachers, leaders and pastors) from more…
Please see this disturbing message from Juba on the situation in the Nuba Mountains. Right now many people, including children, are facing a life/death situation. Norman Johnson who leads a prayer network for Sudan writes: “May we be moved by the love of Christ to compassion for these people. Please…
I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18 A worker in North Africa writes:“A couple of weeks ago, the group in my city met to pray. I forgot I was supposed to prepare something for the group, so we decided to…
Pakistani military operations in the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan have steered clear of North Waziristan, allowing the area to become a haven for militants. Tribal and local intelligence sources say some 15,000 militants shelter in this semiautonomous tribal belt. PRAY for these 5 persons to be brought to justice and…
Enough is enough! Isaiah said to “CRY ALOUD, spare not. Lift up your voice like a trumpet and declare to My people their transgression…” It is time to turn to the LORD and call for a holy fast! A fast that will remove the purveyors of wickedness and death and…
We are writing to you as a key prayer leader by way of invitation to this summit. "Transform World" ( is a mobilization effort that emanated out of the AD 2000 prayer movement of the 90's and subsequent world inquiry. It has identified 7 key challenges now facing the church…
I have some bad news to report. Just yesterday, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston declared that part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The federal definition of marriage as being the union of one man and one woman has applied to all federal…
Our gathering may be well summed up by one sister who said, "I want to Honor Father God for what He has done among us and melting all our hearts together in one unity as a family. I am thankful for all the open-heart sharing, which I truly treasure and…
Christians Killed – Since the establishment of Sharia Law in Northern Nigeria in 2001, over 13,750 Christians have been killed for their faith by Muslims. Churches Destroyed – Just since December 2011, over 300 churches have been destroyed in Northern Nigeria. Threat - Five million Christians in Northern Nigeria live…
Isaiah 16:4 “Let the Moabite fugitives stay with you; be their shelter from the destroyer. The oppressor will come to an end, and destruction will cease; the aggressor will vanish from the land.” Throughout human history, there have been regular times where large numbers of people have had to seek…