International Prayer Connections
“Pray4Saudi: Preparing the way for the Gospel of the Kingdom” ( launched on March 15, 2012. We are convinced that as churches, ministries, prayer networks, and Christians around the world begin to pray, the Lord will visit Saudi Arabia in a powerful way. Please join us in this initiative –…
After stating repeatedly that the Muslim Brotherhood would not back a candidate in Egypt’s first presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was forced from office, the group reversed itself. On Saturday, March 31, the Brotherhood nominated Khairat al-Shater. This former political prisoner now serves as one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s three…
PRAY: • For all hidden activity of the Sinaloa cartel to be exposed.• For supernatural wisdom and protection for all local and federal law enforcement that deal with taking down all the illegal trafficking by the Sinaloa cartel.• For all Arizonians to be alert to any unusual activity within their…
“Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi was one of 43 members of the National League for Democracy party elected to Burma’s parliament on April 1. Her party swept the elections, only failing to win one of the 44 seats it contested. But the elections filled just 7 percent…
We are now just two months from the World Prayer Assembly. Your prayers have been a sustaining and encouraging force for us. We know that without your support in this way, we could be dead meat in the spiritual battle that rages against us and this “once in a generation”…
“Things always happen when we pray, especially when we pray in loving unity. (We) can hear God together and come to agreement. (We) can stand in the gap, ask forgiveness, bind and loose, and proclaim blessing.” John Dawson Tehran, Iran: The ruling Islamic Regime of Iran is not only worried…
LIGNET has uncovered information suggesting Syria could provide Iran with sensitive nuclear technology and a secret stockpile of uranium to assist in the building of weapons of mass destruction. This is an urgent concern as the United States watches the situation in Syria deteriorate and terrorist groups like al Qaeda…
The crisis in Syria has created a flood of refugees. According to the United Nations, the number fleeing the regime's wrath has risen by several thousand in the past few days and now tops 34,000. Their most recent numbers show that hundreds of thousands are thought to be displaced within…
In the midst of pain, they find God. From our believing brothers and sisters in Damascus, needing our prayers came this prayer request. Will you join us in praying for all those in Syria and elsewhere suffering under violence and trusting in Jesus to keep them....pray especially for those who…
Open Doors invites Christians around the world to take up their position and pray and fast for North Korea on April 15th 2012. The deceased leader Kim Jong-Il promised his citizens that North Korea would be a strong and prosperous nation in 2012, but his son, Kim Jong-Un, inherited a…
Would you attempt a dangerous river crossing in the middle of the night? Could you take the risk of bribing a border guard to get to a safe country, knowing there’s a chance they would let you cross and then hand you over to the authorities? For thousands of North…
This year’s special focus day will be on June 3. CAF has material available. Please help to let people know about this day. Contact CAF at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Thanks for your intercession!