Displaying items by tag: Scotland

Friday, 08 September 2017 10:21

Scotland: education gap

Nicola Sturgeon often says that she wishes to be judged as first minister on her government's record in education. She cares passionately about trying to close the attainment gap which sees pupils from better off homes performing better in school than children from more deprived backgrounds. But nearly three years after she became first minister, standards in Scottish schools have been judged by international measures to be slipping in reading, writing and maths. Her political opponents say she should be embarrassed by her record. On 5 September she said that education is the ‘defining mission’ of her government.

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Friday, 04 August 2017 10:43

NHS: Drink deaths surge in Scotland

Alcohol deaths are at their highest level since the peak of the recession. Health boards that have slashed funding for problem drinking are the worst hit. Six of the seven Scottish health boards cut spending on Alcohol and Drug Partnerships by around £700,000 last year, causing a surge in the number of people dying as a result of alcohol abuse. NHS Lanarkshire, which cut funding by 10% in 2016/17 experienced a 14% year-on-year increase in alcohol-related deaths, the highest number in the region for a decade. The statistics, produced by the National Records of Scotland, exclude suicides and accidental deaths where alcohol may have played a part. Public Health Minister Aileen Campbell said, ‘I will be refreshing our Alcohol Strategy later this year’ and promised to consider taking steps to tackle alcohol-related harm.

Published in British Isles

Economic experts warn that Scotland could be entering a recession. Scottish GDP performance lags behind the rest of Britain. Experts at the Fraser of Allander Institute say that the debate about Scotland's economy could easily be side-tracked by constitutional wrangling and discussions around the prospects for a second independence referendum. They fear politicians will use Brexit as an excuse for not undertaking an urgent and frank assessment of the best policies to support the Scottish economy. On the ecclesiastical front Scotland is becoming a post-religious society, with a clear majority of people abandoning organised faith. Six out of ten Scots identify as having no religion, while dwindling congregations and other societal factors have seen scores of church buildings disappear - many now existing only in battered photographs and distant memories. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 June 2017 11:34

Scotland: pray blessing and healing

The Pray for Scotland newsletter reminds us to focus on seeking God’s perspective on what is happening to and within the UK, ignoring media chatter, and to ‘be still’ and hear from the One who holds the destiny and future of nations in His hands. We must keep praying for God to bless our Government as it enters the uncharted waters of Brexit. Pray for a time of calm reflection, and above all pray for God to heal the divisions there undoubtedly are in Scotland and throughout the UK. Psalm 60:2 reads, ‘You have shaken the land and torn it open; mend its fractures, for it is quaking’. So we need to pray that Father God will indeed ‘seal the cracks’ in whatever way he chooses to make that happen. Some politicians may have to change their attitudes to one of greater co-operation for the good of the nation - whatever it takes.

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Friday, 24 March 2017 09:10

Scotland’s unprecedented times and division

Nicola Sturgeon has called for 'indyref2'; Theresa May indicated it wouldn’t happen in the time frame. Holyrood’s debate on Wednesday, with a vote scheduled for 5:30 pm to ask the UK Government to agree to a second independence referendum, was suspended after the terrorist attack outside Westminster. The debate and vote will now continue next Tuesday. The following day, Wednesday, formal 'triggering' of Article 50 will start negotiations to leave the EU. Many Scots are once again taking up the deep-rooted positions which divided communities and families during the last independence campaign. Others are confused and anxious about the future.

Published in British Isles

MSPs snubbed calls to terminate their debate on independence after the terrorist attack at Westminster. At 3.30pm Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser asked for the debate to be suspended, prompting groans from the SNP benches. His request was turned down by deputy presiding officer Linda Fabiani, who said MSPs must carry on with ‘business as usual’. An hour and 20 minutes after news of the attack emerged, presiding officer Ken Macintosh finally announced a close to the debate ‘because the events were affecting the contribution of members’ (MSPs were watching Westminster events unfold on their devices). When this happened, environment secretary Roseanna Cunningham said it was a ‘disgrace’ that Scottish business was being suspended, allegedly adding, ‘This is because you didn’t want to talk about independence.’ For a moment it looked as if something quite serious was going to kick off between the two opposing positions on the vote, but fortunately it didn’t.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 March 2017 09:50

Scotland: named person scheme

John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and cabinet secretary for education, has outlined his intent to relaunch the controversial Named Person Scheme. The Scottish Government was compelled to rethink its approach following the success of the No to Named Person Coalition, which argued before the Supreme Court that the scheme was incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. CARE also raised concerns that the scheme is an unwelcome intrusion which will undermine parental authority and potentially misuse private data; in practice, parents are best placed to take care of their children. Mr Swinney has not clarified whether the scheme will be proactive or will be responsive to parents’ needs. Whilst CARE is pleased that there has been a consultation on how data will be shared, there has been little attempt to define key terms in the bill which could potentially lead to huge discrepancies in its operation.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:23

A call to arms

The following is from a Pray for Scotland pdf: ‘We are in unprecedented times of change and upheaval. But, praise God, we are also in unprecedented times of opportunity and openness to the Gospel. In modern warfare, ground assaults precede air attacks to remove defences, supply lines, etc. So it is in the spiritual battle. As the ground troops, our task it is to take back the ground lost to the forces of evil. We do this through mission and outreach, through acts of kindness and compassion, through being “salt and light” where God has placed us in the workplace or other part of society, and in other ways. The air assault to prepare the way for the ground troops is our prayers and worship; two warfare weapons that change the atmosphere in our streets, communities, towns, and cities - removing obstacles to the advance of the Gospel, demolishing strongholds, replacing “heaviness” in the atmosphere with “lightness”, and opening hearts and minds to receiving the truth about Jesus.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 February 2017 09:09

Northern Ireland, Scotland and Brexit

On 2 March, Northern Ireland will vote for a new Assembly amid much uncertainty. DUP leader Arlene Foster faces criticism for an energy scheme that wasted hundreds of millions of public money. Sinn Fein faces a generation change as Martin McGuinness steps down, and the finance minister describes the Brexit votes as having a calamitous effect on the economy. Some say Brexit could scupper the peace deal. Pray for God’s hand on this election: for truth, integrity, and peace. Scotland voted 62% to remain, believing the single market is vital to jobs and economy. The SNP are deciding whether to call another referendum - their conference is in late March.The UK will trigger Article 50 in mid-March. Pray for the relations between London and Scotland to improve, for leaders to have wisdom and integrity.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:22

Funding crisis for Scottish police

Police Scotland has been called ‘an organisation in crisis’ after it emerged the force will face a £200 million funding gap by 2020-21. Auditor-general Caroline Gardner gave this figure, which she said was a conservative estimate, to MSPs during a scathing assessment of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). Her evidence led to a call for the SPA, Chief Constable Phil Gormley, and the Scottish government to appear before the committee to explain the “financial mess”. Ms Gardner said there was ‘weak financial leadership’ in both Police Scotland and the SPA, the organisation which manages the £1.1 billion policing budget. She also said there may yet be wider financial implications as a result of the decision to scrap the controversial i6 computer system last year. SNP MSP Alex Neil, a former health secretary, told the committee the performance of the two organisations was ‘totally unacceptable’.

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