Displaying items by tag: Scotland

A groundbreaking non-invasive procedure, ultrasound thalamotomy, has given hope to Parkinson’s patients by significantly reducing tremors. Ian Keir, 63, diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2018, experienced uncontrollable tremors that hindered everyday tasks. After undergoing the procedure, Keir can now write, cut food, and perform tasks independently. He describes the outcome as miraculous. The procedure uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to create a lesion in the thalamus, the brain region controlling movement. A consultant at the University of Dundee has hailed the procedure as a milestone for Scottish medicine, emphasising its life-changing impact. Despite the technology's limited availability, the success in treating Parkinson’s symptoms marks significant progress.

Published in British Isles

John Swinney, newly sworn in as First Minister of Scotland, has appointed Kate Forbes as Deputy First Minister, sparking criticism for creating a "continuity Cabinet." Forbes, previously Finance Secretary, replaces Shona Robison and will also oversee the economy and Gaelic. Critics label the Cabinet reshuffle as uninspired, fearing it prioritises party interests and independence over pressing national issues. Despite maintaining many previous Cabinet members, Swinney asserts the mix of experience and energy will focus on eradicating child poverty, economic growth, and meeting climate commitments. Scottish Greens and other opposition parties express concerns about Forbes's conservative views potentially affecting government direction, particularly in social equality and climate action. Scottish Conservative and Labour leaders criticise the leadership's consistency, foreseeing continued national challenges. Forbes expresses honour in her new role, committed to improving Scotland alongside her colleagues.

Published in British Isles

John Swinney has officially launched his bid to succeed Humza Yousaf, who stepped down on 29 April. Swinney, a former cabinet secretary who served as party leader from 2000 to 2004, says he is aiming to 'unite Scotland for independence’. He will probably be unopposed, now that Kate Forbes, the only other likely candidate, has indicated that she does not intend to stand and has officially endorsed him. Nominations close on 6 May; if nobody else comes forward, Swinney will automatically assume party leadership and become first minister. His campaign resonates with commitments to continue SNP’s work and strengthen the independence movement: see

Published in British Isles

The north of England faces a crisis in child welfare, with one in 52 children in Blackpool in care, highlighting the urgent need to address poverty-driven disparities. A report has revealed that nine in every thousand children in the north are in care, compared to six in the rest of England. The figures indicate that £25bn could have been saved if care entry rates had been equal across regions from 2019 to 2023. Child poverty emerges as the primary driver of these discrepancies. Dr Davara Bennett, lead author of the report, has stressed the necessity for policymakers to confront systemic inequalities and prioritise preventative measures over reactive spending. Emma Lewell-Buck, co-chair of the Child of the North all-party parliamentary group, has pointed to the detrimental impact of underinvestment in social services, advocating for improved support systems for vulnerable families. The call to action urges the Government to address these issues promptly to ensure a brighter future for children and families across the region.

Published in British Isles

A motion has been introduced in the Scottish parliament to formally recognise St Giles' Cathedral, a landmark in Edinburgh with a history spanning 900 years. MSP Miles Briggs commended the cathedral for its enduring significance and its efforts to engage people of all backgrounds and faiths. Rev Dr George Whyte, representing St Giles', expressed gratitude for the recognition, emphasising the importance of maintaining a balance between tourism and worship. The motion also highlights the cathedral's role as a centre celebrating Scotland's heritage and culture, attracting 1.5 million visitors annually. It is also a national church, hosting significant events such as state ceremonies. The cathedral's outreach projects aim to foster inclusivity and community cohesion. The motion will be circulated for additional signatures, reflecting widespread support within the parliament.

Published in Praise Reports

Marion Ritchie's life was altered for ever when her husband Dave was diagnosed with dementia at 65. A former Navy pilot, his unrelenting decline over nine years turned their lives into a nightmare. Marion and her daughters were left to cope with the emotional toll of Dave's transformation and grieving for lost futures. In Scotland, about 90,000 people live with dementia, experiencing similar challenges. Despite the need for emotional support, healthcare services offered little assistance. Recognising this gap, Healthcare Improvement Scotland has introduced new guidelines for healthcare professionals, focusing on 'pre-death grief' in dementia patients and their families. These guidelines, the first in nearly two decades, aim to address such emotional impacts, including better training for healthcare staff. Marion welcomes these guidelines, hoping they provide accessible support and information for caregivers facing similar struggles.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 November 2023 21:58

Edinburgh set to declare a housing emergency

Due to a homelessness crisis, Edinburgh is poised to declare a housing emergency. The city council's housing convener, Jane Meagher, will table a motion to establish an emergency action plan and request urgent funding from the Scottish government to address the severe challenges. Edinburgh currently has around 5,000 households in temporary accommodation, the highest in Scotland. The crisis is exacerbated by a severe shortage of social rented homes, with approximately 200 bids for each advertised property. Rental costs are soaring, with Edinburgh having the UK's highest rental inflation rate at 13.7%. If the motion passes, Edinburgh will be the first Scottish city officially to declare a housing emergency. The council plans to write to the First Minister and the housing minister to request additional funding.

Published in British Isles

New assisted suicide legislation in Scotland would open a 'Pandora's Box', according to disability policy advisor Dr Miro Griffiths. He says that the proposals being brought forward by Liam McArthur MSP 'represent a dangerous idea that would see the vulnerable and marginalised in society placed at risk of irreversible harm'. Dr Griffiths spoke about his own experience of living with disabilities: ‘My strength, respiratory functioning, and swallowing will continue to deteriorate. I require a power wheelchair, 24-hour personal assistance, and various medical interventions every day. I hope readers will realise that I, and many others in my community, approach this issue in a way that others in society will not.’ Canada legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia in 2016; within five years, the law was expanded and key safeguards were removed. There has been a tenfold rise in assisted suicides since the law was changed. Dr Griffiths concluded by saying that a change in the law was simply too dangerous, especially in the context of stretched public services.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 September 2023 23:29

Biggest untapped UK oil field approved

The UK's largest untapped oil field has been approved for development by regulators. It is estimated that Rosebank, 80 miles west of Shetland, could produce 300 million barrels of oil - but opponents say those could account for 200 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. The lead company Equinor puts the capacity at about 70,000 barrels per day, which the BBC calculates would be about 10% of the UK’s current daily production. At that rate it would take about twelve years to extract the recoverable oil, although other groups have made higher estimates of the amount that could be found. The Government has welcomed the decision, saying it will raise billions of pounds and ‘make us more secure against tyrants like Putin’. Rishi Sunak said, ‘As we make the transition to renewables, we will still need oil and gas: it makes sense to use our own’. But Scotland's first minister Humza Yousaf said he was ‘disappointed’, while the Green Party called the decision ‘morally obscene’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 September 2023 22:52

UK's first drug consumption room go-ahead

Officials in Glasgow are expected to approve plans for the UK's first drug consumption room. The facility, known as the Safe Drug Consumption Facility (SDFC), would allow users to take their own drugs under the supervision of health professionals. Campaigners believe the facility could be ‘life-changing’ in addressing Scotland's high drug death rate, which remains the highest in Europe. The UK government does not support the plans but has stated it will not block the pilot. The proposed location for the facility is in Glasgow's east end, where a heroin assisted treatment service has been operating since 2019. The Scottish government has committed funding for the first year of operation, and Glasgow's Health and Social Care Partnership will cover building costs and necessary redesign. The plans will be presented to the city council's Integration Joint Board for approval. The move comes after the city council became the first local authority in the UK to formally support the decriminalisation of drug consumption.

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