Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 16 November 2018 01:05

Ghana: rescued from slavery

Praise God for the rescue of an 18-year-old woman in Ghana who had been enslaved for years on Lake Volta. Forced to work in the fishing industry seven days a week, Elinam (not her real name) had endured physical abuse and was denied food if she did not work. She attempted, unsuccessfully, to escape several times, but last week police and International Justice Mission (IJM) were able to find her and bring her to a safe aftercare home where she can recover and heal from trauma. Pray for her continued healing and wellbeing.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 November 2018 01:02

UK government backs down over gambling machines

The Government has been forced to bring forward its proposed changes to gambling machine betting limits. Philip Hammond had announced in his Budget speech that the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) would be cut from £100 to just £2 by October 2019, five months later than had been expected. After considerable protest, including the resignation of sports minister Tracey Crouch (see https://www.prayer-alert.net/british-isles-ireland-pa-site/item/11140-minister-resigns-over-delayed-crackdown-on-betting-machines), this change will now be put into effect by April 2019. James Mildred, for Christian charity CARE, said it was a 'stunning victory' against FOBTs, which are seen as highly addictive and damaging to families and mental health. However, he added: ‘This is only the first step. The damaging effects of gambling are becoming more visible across society, and the Government must introduce legislation to tackle this. Unless change is forthcoming, it is going to be children who are losing out.'

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 November 2018 00:59

Couple’s 100 years of service

A couple have been recognised for giving more than a hundred years of service to the Church of Scotland between them. Don and Alice Barrie have played key roles at a church in South Lanarkshire for 51 and 60 years respectively. On 4 November their church presented them with long service awards from the moderator of the CoS general assembly, at a special surprise party. Alice’s father had insisted that she take music lessons from an early age; she took over as church organist at the age of 13 and has never looked back! Don became a church elder in 1967, and served as treasurer. As well as their church duties, the couple successfully ran a farm and raised five children.Their minister, Mike Fucella, said: ‘Church in a rural situation like ours can at times be frustrating, with very few people to do a great deal of work. Don and Alice deserve a big thank you. They have served with cheerfulness, often willing to try new things - open to the future God has in store for us. Without their partnership in the Gospel, I would find things very difficult indeed.’

Published in Praise Reports

An eye surgeon from the Diocese of Peshawar, Khushbakht Peters, celebrates the work of the Christian hospital at Tank in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. She writes: ‘Tank is a city in the south of our province. The war against terrorism has been going on for a long time here; many people, both soldiers and civilians, have lost their lives. Yet even when things were at their worst, the dedicated staff at the Christian Hospital persisted in providing healthcare services. A few years ago, even the Taliban refused to attack the hospital, as this is where all their women and children go for treatment. For the past 150 years the hospital has been following the footsteps of the Good Samaritan, providing a healing touch for those in need. They have been helping the poorest of the poor, the underprivileged of society, giving them their only chance to better health. Following the living example of the hospital, let us be obedient to our calling to the Lord, and become a blessing for many.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 08 November 2018 23:47

Cameroon: kidnapped students freed

Students kidnapped from a Christian boarding school in Cameroon's restive North-West region have been reunited with their parents amid joyful scenes. The 78 boys and girls and three others were seized early on 5 November in the region's capital, Bamenda. A driver was also freed, but the principal and a teacher are still being held. After being released, the students were taken in army vehicles back to the school, where their parents were waiting. One of those kidnapped, a 15-year-old girl, said she had been treated well, and that they had all had been given fruit, food and warm water to wash with. A separatist group which is fighting for independence for the two English-speaking regions, in a country where French is the most widely-spoken official language, has denied that it was responsible for the kidnapping.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 08 November 2018 23:43

UK faith leaders back 'real' living wage

Sixty-five religious leaders have written a letter to the Times supporting the real Living Wage. They include twenty Catholic and Anglican bishops, a Roman Catholic archbishop, thirty Jewish rabbis, the president and vice-president of the Methodist Church, and the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain. The letter cites concern at low pay and in-work poverty 'which is damaging family life and robbing future generations of a secure and stable home'. It comes as celebrations are planned with 4,700 employers accredited by the Living Wage Foundation, which oversees the real Living Wage (currently £8.75) and the London Living Wage (currently £10.20) - set to rise in line with the real cost of living. Research has found that one in five workers is paid less than a real Living Wage, meaning millions are struggling to stay afloat financially as their wages don't meet the real cost of living.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 02 November 2018 00:33

Aasia Bibi acquitted

Last week we prayed again for Aasia Bibi, after she asked for Christians in the UK to intercede for her release from death row in Pakistan. In an extraordinary answer to those prayers, the supreme court has overturned her eight-year death sentence for allegedly blasphemous comments, and she is free. Christians are Pakistan's 'forgotten minority'. The laws are often used to get revenge after personal disputes, and convictions are based on thin evidence. Christians make up just 1.6% of the population. They have been targeted by numerous attacks in recent years, leaving many feeling vulnerable to a climate of intolerance. There are fears that there could be a violent response to her acquittal, and her family fear for their safety. She has been offered asylum by several countries, and will leave Pakistan. Prime minister Imran Khan has called for calm - see

Published in Praise Reports

On 28 October a Catholic couple launched a children’s faith-filled video adventure series called The Opus Joyous Show, featuring 3D animation, puppets, music, rockets, ships, pirates, and a time-travelling Bible. There are four 23-minute episodes featuring ‘characters with character - children, their family, their friends, a priest and a nun - who work together with the grace of God to try and stop the evil villain Captain Barnacle and his shady plan for utter darkness upon the world’. Opus is the little boy hero, and Joyous is his dog. Parents have concerns about the time children spend on electronic media, and the show intends to create an authentically Catholic video series for children to enjoy.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 02 November 2018 00:28

God’s Word for persecuted Christians

‘They are the most precious gifts for us. Now my Sunday School children will see them with their own eyes - praise the Lord!’ said Rachel. Barnabas Fund helped supply 23,930 Bibles with hymnals to Christians from an isolated persecuted people group in South-East Asia. Some had never seen a Bible. A few villages had a single, treasured copy in their mother tongue, while some had memorised verses. They had experienced years of persecution from military and government authorities who confiscated and burnt Bibles. For nearly twenty years, they had been praying for these Bibles: now God has answered their prayers.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 October 2018 00:27

UK's largest Christian gathering

The Festival of Life, a bi-annual event at the ExCeL exhibition centre, follows a vision given to Pastor Adeboye to organise a Holy Ghost all-night miracle service. The format has been repeated in many different countries, gathering Christians together for a night of fellowship, praise and prayers. An estimated 40,000 attended this year - the largest gathering of believers in the UK. The festival brings together people of diverse backgrounds, nationalities and denominations.

Published in Praise Reports