Displaying items by tag: Immigration

Friday, 03 March 2017 09:53

USA: implementing Trump’s executive orders

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued two memos spelling out how they will implement the executive orders on immigration that President Trump signed in his first week in office. The specifics and the scope stunned even seasoned immigrant and refugee advocates. The memos call for hiring fifteen thousand new immigration and border patrol agents, renewing efforts for state and local police to implement immigration enforcement duties, and expanding a procedure known as expedited removal. There could be mass heartless deportations. Another change would end long-standing protections for individuals in or near sensitive locations like hospitals, schools and places of worship. Some churches and even some cities have joined the Sanctuary Movement, and refuse to use their own resources to aid federal authorities in deportation cases.

Published in Worldwide

The Archbishop of Canterbury is ‘saddened and shocked’ by the Government’s decision to take only 350 unaccompanied refugee children. He said last week, ‘We believed that the Government was committed to welcoming up to 3,000 children. To end the scheme now, when such a small proportion have actually entered the country, is regrettable.’ The immigration minister, Robert Goodwill, has stated that after consultation with local authorities, the UK will take just 350 children, including more than 200 already transferred from France. The Labour MP Yvette Cooper described the move as ‘shameful’, while the Conservative MP Helen Whateley said that Kent was already looking after more than a thousand unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. MPs have challenged the Government’s assertion that local authorities cannot take more children, and suggested that other groups (including faith organisations) could help. Archbishop Welby urged the Government to reconsider, saying, ‘We must resist and turn back the worrying trends of seeing the movement of desperate people as more of a threat to identity and security than an opportunity to do our duty. We cannot withdraw from our long and proud history of helping the most vulnerable.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 January 2017 09:16

Reactions to PM’s Brexit speech

In a confident and hard-hitting speech on Tuesday, Theresa May spoke of a ‘bold’ approach to the UK’s Brexit negotiations. She said that the UK will leave the European single market, retake control of immigration, strike its own trade deals, and refuse to be bound by rulings from the European Court of Justice. She also confirmed that MPs will put the final deal to a vote in both Houses of Parliament. In reaction to her speech, which one commentator described as ‘some of the most important words she will ever utter’, the value of the pound jumped sharply as traders were reassured that a firm strategy is now in place. However, others were much more critical, with a number of European leaders accusing the PM of attempting to ‘blackmail’ the EU. Also, Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that a second Scottish referendum on independence is now ‘all but inevitable’; her government has repeatedly stressed its desire to stay in the EU single market. See

Published in British Isles
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