Displaying items by tag: Hezbollah

Saturday, 01 August 2020 15:27

Lebanon: US extends national emergency

US extends national emergency for Lebanon citing Hezbollah 'threat'

The order, renewed by every president since 2007, alleges that Hezbollah remains an 'extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy' of the US

US President Donald Trump has renewed a 13-year national emergency order over the political situation in Lebanon, citing Iran's "ongoing" weapons transfers to Hezbollah.

The order ensures the legal grounds for the US president to levy sanctions and "to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States" due to Hezbollah's presence in Lebanon, a statement released by the White House on Wednesday said.

The administration said "certain persons" - alluding to members of Hezbollah and its allies - were seeking to undermine the Lebanese government.

Lebanon has been dealing with several crises during the past year, from the coronavirus pandemic to a plummeting economy and recent skirmishes with the Israeli army on its southern border.

Hezbollah, an Iran-backed group, is a major political party in Lebanon and consolidated its influence in the state's affairs in 2018 after winning, along with its allies, a small majority in national elections. The US designated Hezbollah a "foreign terrorist group" in 1997.

Despite Hezbollah's growing influence within the Lebanese government, the White House's order alleged "certain persons" were deliberately working to "break down" the rule of law in Lebanon "through politically motivated violence and intimidation".

"Certain ongoing activities, such as Iran's continuing arms transfers to Hizballah - which include increasingly sophisticated weapons systems - serve to undermine Lebanese sovereignty, contribute to political and economic instability in the region, and continue to constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to [US] national security and foreign policy," the White House said. 

Washington is particularly concerned by those allegedly seeking to "reassert Syrian control or contribute to Syrian interference in Lebanon", the order said.

The annual move, entitled "Continuation of National Emergency with Respect to Lebanon", has been renewed every year since it was declared by former President George W Bush in 2007.

Bush's order said the United States would freeze the property and assets of anyone trying to undermine Lebanon’s democratically elected government. The order, renewed by every presidential administration since, was seen as a sharp warning to Hezbollah and its allies in Syria.

Wednesday's order reiterates the same concerns the Bush administration issued 13 years ago, with an increased concern over Iran, given its recent tensions with Washington. 

The US currently has 35 ongoing "national emergencies", seven of which have been declared by Trump. The orders range from sanctions against foreign entities and governments, to the White House's emergency declaration at the US southern border.  At least nine of the orders name specific countries or groups in the Middle East and North Africa.

Hezbollah says all-out war with Israel is unlikely in coming months despite rising tensions https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hezbollah-dismisses-prospect-all-out-conflict-israel-despite-increasing-tensions

More at: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-extends-national-emergency-for-lebanon-citing-hezbollah-threat

We are asked to pray for the Prime Minister and all Ministers in Lebanese Government at this critical time and for the nation.  Here are some guidelines provided by our colleagues at Prayer Strategy as to what we can pray for

1. Pray for their salvation.
2. Pray for them for pure lives and good wisdom.
3. Pray that God reveals His truth and opens their eyes to run this nation with integrity and respect.
4. Pray to Break the strongholds of the Evil One in politics and in individual’s lives.
5. Pray that leaders will realise that they were appointed by God and that He gave them authority so that they will act responsibly and that they will they will have to
give account to God of everything that they do.

Many of the ministers are listed here, with brief profiles: https://gulfnews.com/world/mena/who-are-the-ministers-in-lebanons-new-government-1.69174412  

Following an attempted cross-border attack on 27 July by Hezbollah, Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Benny Gantz addressed the nation, threatening the Lebanese terror group and its host nations with a decisive counter-strike. ‘Hezbollah is playing with fire. Any attack against us will be met with great strength,’ said Netanyahu. Lowering his face mask, Gantz also addressed reporters, stating, ‘Israel is determined to prevent any threat to our sovereignty, our soldiers, and of course our citizens.’ They spoke after Hezbollah operatives tried to breach the Israel-Lebanon border, exchanging fire with IDF troops during an hour-long stand-off. We can pray, according to Psalm 44, for God to deliver His people from their oppressors, and put to shame those who hate Israel. May Israel praise God all day long and give thanks for ever.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 February 2020 07:26

Lebanon: Scouts are Hezbollah youth wing

The Scout movement is investigating an accusation that its Lebanon branch is training youths to become Islamic terrorists. The Imam Al-Mahdi Scouts has 45,000 boys and girls wearing traditional scouting uniforms and scarves. Investigators found that young recruits to the Al-Mahdi Scouts are groomed from the ages of four to become supporters and fighters for Hezbollah. Scouts have provided 'honour guards' at funerals of known Hezbollah terrorists, and have been pictured posing with armed fighters, wearing military uniforms and headbands with anti-Israel slogans such as 'Jerusalem - we are coming!' Hezbollah 'in its entirety' is on Britain’s list of proscribed terrorist organisations - previously the list only included its military wing. Al-Mahdi Scouts previously denied reports that older Scouts receive military training with weapons, but now they admit that many adolescent members become Hezbollah fighters. 200+ former members of the Scouts have died fighting against Israel and in the civil war in Syria.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:07

Israel / Lebanon: ‘30 minutes from war’

On 1 September Hezbollah fired several precision-guided missiles from Lebanon towards an army base on Israel’s northern border, destroying an IDF armoured vehicle in the attack. Thankfully, there were no soldiers inside it at the time, but there had been just 30 minutes before the attack, leading Israel’s Army Radio to broadcast that Israel and Hezbollah were ‘30 minutes away from war’. Israel led Hezbollah to believe that there were casualties by staging a well-planned medical evacuation, prompting the terror group to hold fire and giving Israel tactical advantage to strike back with artillery and helicopter fire, sending over 100 shells into Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. Many lives are at risk due to escalating tensions between Israel and Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah.

Published in Worldwide

29 April was a day of chaos and violence after opposition leader Juan Guaidó called for a military uprising in Caracas and urged supporters to take to the streets to force his rival Nicolás Maduro from power. The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said that Maduro had told America that he would leave Venezuela and live as an exile in Cuba and had an airplane on the tarmac, ready to leave: then Russia convinced him to stay. Recently Russian military personnel entered Venezuela to keep its sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles operational despite its crumbling infrastructure and frequent power failures. Also Tareck El Aissami, Maduro’s closest confidant, is being investigated by the intelligence agency about helping Hezbollah militants into the country, partnering with a drug lord, and shielding 140 tons of chemicals to be used for cocaine production - making him a rich man as Venezuela spiralled into poverty. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 June 2018 23:25

Al Quds Day

Al Quds day (Jerusalem Day in Arabic) was initiated by Iran in 1979 to support Palestinians and oppose Israel’s existence and rights to Jerusalem. Rallies are held globally: England’s march will take place on Sunday 10 June in central London. At last year's march Hezbollah flags were flown, exploiting a hole in UK law, which allows support for Hezbollah's political wing whilst banning its military wing. Hezbollah itself makes no distinction. On 30 May police said they could not stop people flying Hezbollah flags (adorned with machine-guns) on the London march, even though Hezbollah is a recognised anti-Semitic organisation. Those leading the march last year declared publicly, ‘The state of Israel must go’, ‘Everyone knows that Israel and IS are the same’, and ‘Zionist supporters of the Tory Party are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell’. See

Published in British Isles

Speaking on TV, Hezbollah’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, said he recently discussed the ‘liberation’ of Jerusalem with Fatah leaders and other Palestinian factions. He added that Iran is directly providing financial aid and weapons to Palestinian groups independent of Hezbollah. He explained how these groups are prepared to put aside differences for a new ‘intifada’; they will unite in the event of a large-scale war to liberate Jerusalem, not just Galilee. When asked whether cooperation meant demonstrations, Nasrallah replied, ‘Within occupied Palestine it is about direct confrontation. We all know what intifada means.’ Hezbollah is a Lebanese-based terrorist organisation banned by many countries, including the Arab League, United States, France, and Israel - but not by the UK. It calls for Islamist revolution around the world, and its members have caused terror attacks for thirty years.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:50

Israel: Lasting peace

Metal detectors placed outside a holy site in East Jerusalem brought long-existing tensions to a boiling point. Viewed as an Israeli attempt to assert control over the site, Palestinians responded with protests, boycotts, and even deadly clashes. This all came after the killing of two Israeli policeman by Israeli-Arab gunmen. Israel's compliance in removing the detectors will not bring lasting peace. There is no end in sight to the conflict. Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and Iran continue to threaten their existence. Every human attempt at reconciliation in the region has failed. Yet God is moving on both sides of this conflict. He loves Israeli Jews and Arabs and is actively drawing them to Himself. The number of Messianic Jews is rising dramatically, and the Christian Church in Israel is largely Arab. The peace and reconciliation Jesus offers transcends any man-made division. Peace in Israel rests in Him alone.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 14 July 2017 10:54

It's time to back Israel

The UK Government is being tested on the issue of whether or not to stand with Israel. With terror threats on every side, the Jewish state is potentially in as great a peril now as its people were under the Nazis. An estimated 120,000 missiles are aimed at Israeli cities by Iran-sponsored, Lebanese-based terror group Hezbollah, while their supporters have been allowed to march through London streets waving flags featuring an assault rifle and calling for Israel’s destruction. To date 11,177 people have signed a petition calling on the UK Government to ban Hezbollah. On 22 June, in the House of Commons, Amber Rudd said she would look into banning the annual demonstration and proscribing Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. Conservative MP John Howell believes that no lasting peace is possible if Palestinians continue to be indoctrinated to hate Jews, while Scottish MP Ross Thomson called for a full ban on Hezbollah, adding Israel was a beacon of democracy in a troubled region. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:57

Hezbollah flags on parade in London

An Al Quds Day march will be held in London on 18 June. This is a day chosen by the late Ayatollah Khomeini to call for Israel to be destroyed. Previous marches have seen displays of support for anti-Semitic Hezbollah, causing great distress to Jewish communities. A Friends of Israel group in North London is encouraging people to email the mayor of London and ask him to take action on this issue. The military wing of Hezbollah is a terrorist group, but the political wing is not. However it is widely recognised that they are one, controlled by a single command structure and sharing the same flag. Hezbollah operates terrorist cells in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and targets Israeli and Jewish communities around the world.

Published in British Isles
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