
Displaying items by tag: Asia

Thursday, 14 March 2024 21:49

Iraq: new church at historic site of Ur

A bell has chimed for the first time at Ibrahim Al-Khalil Church in Ur, heralding its upcoming inauguration and marking a significant step in the region's religious and cultural landscape. The church, part of a larger complex honouring Abraham, aims to revive pilgrimage to the historic site and encourage the return of Christians to Iraq. It symbolises interfaith dialogue and offers a space for worship, social gatherings, and cultural activities. Designed with elements reflecting spirituality and history, the church hopes to attract tourists and strengthen ties between Muslims, Christians, and other minorities. Amidst challenges of war and sectarian violence, its completion signifies a new chapter, emphasising dialogue and reconciliation. With optimism for Iraq's reconstruction, the project's completion signals hope for a peaceful future, echoing the Pope’s message of peace and outreach amidst regional tensions.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for enhanced military capabilities against the US and South Korea, responding to ongoing joint military exercises between the two nations. During a visit to a training base, Kim emphasised the need for “actual war drills'' to improve combat readiness, as reported by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). This stance follows the North Korean Defense Ministry's declaration of conducting “responsible military activities'' in reaction to what they perceive as invasion preparations through the South Korean-US drills. The annual South Korean-US exercises, which are computer-simulated and involve field training, are seen as defensive by the participating countries. North Korea, which has historically responded to these drills with missile tests, continues to showcase nuclear-capable weaponry. South Korea’s Defense Ministry spokesperson, Jeon Ha Gyu, affirmed that South Korea will robustly counter any North Korean provocations, criticising the North’s portrayal of the drills as invasion rehearsals. This escalation occurs amidst a series of North Korean missile tests designed to target South Korea and the US mainland. Observers expect further tensions and provocative actions from North Korea, especially in the context of upcoming major elections in the US and South Korea.

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Iran's morality police have escalated their enforcement of Islamic dress codes, leading to severe punishments for women, including car confiscations, floggings, and fines, reports Amnesty International. This crackdown follows protests ignited by the death of Mahsa Amini, who was detained for not wearing a hijab. Amnesty's findings reveal that tens of thousands of women have had their cars seized for defying veiling laws, with some also facing flogging, prison, or mandatory 'morality' classes. One woman, Roya Heshmati, described being flogged in front of a judge, likening it to "medieval torture." Many women recounted being pursued by police and stranded far from home after their vehicles were impounded. Release of the vehicles required payment of fees and commitments to comply with veiling laws. Surveillance and public reporting have intensified, with even men mistaken for women due to long hair facing questioning. The recent protests, under the slogan "Woman, Life, Freedom," challenged Iran's regime, leading to proposed legislation increasing penalties for dress code violations. Amnesty International's Deputy Middle East Director, Dina Eltahawy, noted the increased policing aims to suppress resistance, causing distress and disrupting lives. The report highlights the harsh realities of compulsory veiling and the Iranian government's efforts to reinforce it amidst growing public dissent.

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UN officials have accused Israel of systematically blocking aid from reaching desperate Palestinians in Gaza, warning that a quarter of the population is ‘one step away from famine’. On 29 February over a hundred died and 750 were wounded when Israeli soldiers opened fire on crowds waiting for food aid. The conflict has now resulted in over 30,000 Palestinian casualties. Much of Gaza has been devastated. The officials highlighted the urgent need for food aid, with one in six children under two in northern Gaza suffering from acute malnutrition. However, delivering aid is hampered by numerous obstacles, including crossing closures, restrictions on movement, and attacks on aid convoys. In the event of a ceasefire, the World Food Programme is ready to swiftly expand operations; however, US hopes of an imminent truce seem very slim.

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Friday, 01 March 2024 09:33

Nepal: repurposing discarded rubbish

A group led by Sunita Chaudhary are repurposing discarded mountain climbing ropes into handcrafted items like jewellery boxes and table mats. These ropes, once vital for climbers but later discarded, are now collected as part of an initiative to clean up mountain waste. Chaudhary, a skilled craftswoman from the Tharu community, transforms these materials using traditional techniques. The Himalayas accumulate vast amounts of waste from mountaineering activities, estimated at nearly 140,000 tons on Mount Everest alone. Government-led campaigns dispose of biodegradable waste securely and recycle non-biodegradable materials. However, recycling mountain climbing ropes proved challenging until Shilshila Acharya, an advocate for sustainable waste management, connected with a local waste-processing business and Chaudhary's team. This initiative aims to integrate local expertise, mountain waste, and the local economy, ensuring that waste collected from mountains like Everest avoids landfills in the future.

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72-year-old Christian Younis Bhatti has been discharged from a blasphemy case after the accuser, Sosan Fatima, admitted to falsely accusing him. Fatima had alleged that Bhatti desecrated the Quran, but confessed to a conspiracy to prevent him from dividing property. Bhatti has been reunited with his family, but it was not thought safe for him to return home immediately. The incident had led to protests, prompting many Christians to flee. Bhatti's discharge, facilitated by a Christian rights organisation, was hailed as a miracle. Blasphemy accusations in Pakistan,often used to settle personal scores, can result in death sentences. Fatima's husband escaped police custody, leading to the suspension of the policemen who were with him, but was later recaptured. This case highlights the misuse of blasphemy laws and the risks faced by religious minorities in Pakistan.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 February 2024 21:40

Strangers save each other's lives

Marius Werner, a young German, anonymously donated stem cells that saved the life of British doctor Dr Nick Embleton, who was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Unable to find a match in the UK, the search extended globally, leading to Marius. Two years after the transplant, BBC News facilitated their meeting. Nick, a veteran neonatal doctor, feared for his life upon diagnosis but now cherishes family time. Bone marrow transplants require matching donors,and both donor and patient remain anonymous initially. After a successful transplant, Nick expressed a desire to meet Marius. They met in Newcastle. Marius, overwhelmed, shared how he had been suicidal, but this opportunity to save someone brought new purpose to his life. Their meeting saw the fostering of a bond between these two ‘blood brothers’, who were brought together by a life-saving act of kindness.

Published in Praise Reports

The US military has conducted four ‘self-defence’ strikes against Houthi forces in Yemen, destroying seven cruise missiles, a mobile ballistic missile launcher, and a drone aimed towards the Red Sea. These were regarded as an imminent threat to merchant vessels and US Navy ships. Israel's Arrow missile defence system intercepted an air attack from the Red Sea direction near Eilat. The Houthis, controlling populous Yemen regions, have targeted vessels tied to the US, UK, and Israel since November. The USA condemns their actions as terrorism, citing attacks on civilians and shipping, but the Houthis claim that their actions are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. Their attacks have disrupted global commerce, rerouting ships around Africa, exacerbating humanitarian crises in regions like Sudan, Ethiopia, and Yemen. Meanwhile, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has urged Hamas to drop their ‘absurd’ demands for releasing Israeli hostages: see

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Thursday, 22 February 2024 20:57

Pakistan: coalition government to be formed

Two major parties, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN), have agreed to form a coalition government following inconclusive national elections. PMLN president Shehbaz Sharif, who will be the prime ministerial candidate, has stated that they have the necessary numbers to govern. Asif Ali Zardari of the PPP will be the presidential candidate. Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), which won the most seats but lacked a majority, accused rivals of stealing their mandate. Claims of vote-rigging have been fuelled by a confession by a top official who has implicated the head of the election commission and a top judge. This has prompted protests, due to which social media platform X has been inaccessible. The delay in forming a government had caused concern; the country is grappling with an economic crisis amid slow growth and record inflation and rising violence by armed groups. It needs a stable administration with the authority to take tough decisions.

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A new database by Malaysian climate watchdog RimbaWatch has shown that despite global efforts to combat climate change, Southeast Asian countries are still planning to develop numerous fossil fuel projects, which could significantly increase carbon emissions. These planned projects could lead to a surge in emissions, posing a major challenge to the region's commitment to reduce greenhouse gases. This is the first time that an assessment of the carbon cost has been made in the region: RimbaWatch has used the data available from the fossil fuel companies themselves, such as the Malaysian giant Petronas. The report also emphasises the urgent need for transparency and accountability in assessing the environmental impact of these projects. It calls for greater scrutiny and regulation to ensure that the countries align their development plans with global climate goals and prioritise sustainable energy alternatives.

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