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There are signs which suggest a potential pause in the Israel-Hamas conflict, although a full ceasefire remains uncertain. Hamas, which has consistently said that it will only free more Israeli hostages in exchange for a permanent ceasefire, is engaged in talks in Cairo, led by its leader Ismail Haniyeh. Both Egypt and Qatar are involved in mediating these discussions. Although Israel's goal is to dismantle Hamas completely, it has reportedly presented a plan to secure the release of around forty hostages, focusing on women, elderly individuals, and those in urgent need of medical care. In return, they could exchange Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails with more serious convictions than those released in previous deals. Benjamin Netanyahu emphasised the importance of retrieving the hostages, revealing that Mossad has been actively promoting a new release deal through diplomatic channels. These developments come alongside the news that over 20,000 Palestinians have now been killed in the conflict: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 December 2023 20:24

Japan: notable increase in attacks by bears

In Japan, a huge surge in bear attacks has been linked to climate change. Already in 2023 there have been 212 attacks, compared to 158 in 2022; six people have died. Rising temperatures and diminishing food sources in the bears' natural habitats have pushed them into human-populated areas. Experts say this alarming trend highlights the profound impact of climate change on wildlife behaviour and ecosystems. According to local authorities, the number of bear-related incidents, including attacks and sightings, has reached an unprecedented high. Climate change has disrupted their hibernation patterns and reduced their natural food supply, forcing them to search for sustenance in unfamiliar territories. The environment minister has pledged to help affected communities, saying: ‘We are considering providing emergency assistance to local communities in response to their needs, such as surveying and capturing bears living in the vicinity of human settlements’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 December 2023 21:53

Gaza conflict: UN vote for an immediate ceasefire

On 12 December, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. With 153 votes in favour, 10 against (including the United States and Israel), and 23 abstentions (including the UK and Germany), the resolution emphasises the need to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, provide humanitarian assistance, and seek a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. It also calls for an end to the use of force and the resumption of negotiations. It is reported that the conflict has now led to over 18,600 civilian casualties in the Gaza strip, 70% of them women and children. The vote serves as a strong international call for an end to hostilities and a return to peace talks. On 8 December, an almost identically worded resolution proposed at the UN security council was vetoed by the USA. There is a sense that Joe Biden’s administration is becoming increasingly isolated in its unconditional support of Israel’s actions.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:29

Gaza: latest developments

On 6 December Israeli troops fought fierce battles with Hamas in an expanding offensive into southern Gaza, forcing tens of thousands of displaced Palestinian civilians to cram into a city close to the Egyptian border to avoid Israeli bombardment. However, many feared they would not be safe in Rafah either, with their options for refuge dwindling, and at least nine people were killed when a house in the city was shelled. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who fled to the south during the two-month-old war between Israel and Hamas are now increasingly cornered in an area deemed safe by Israel's military. UN Secretary General António Guterres has called on Security Council members to avert a humanitarian catastrophe In other news, harrowing details have been released about the acts of sexual violence committed by Hamas fighters when they attacked Israel on 7 October. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2023 22:15

India: workers finally rescued from tunnel

We asked for your prayers last week; it took another five days, 17 in all, before 41 construction workers were rescued from from a collapsed tunnel in Uttarakhand state. The tunnel, part of a $1.5 million pilgrimage project, collapsed on 12 November, trapping low-wage workers from various Indian states in a 4.5km underground space. The rescue faced many challenges, including machine breakdowns and the tunnel's precarious geological location, both matters for considerable criticism. The breakthrough came on 29 November when a team of 'rat miners' managed to reach the trapped men. This method, which involves creating narrow tunnels by hand, has been controversial due to its hazards, and was officially banned in 2014. The rescued workers, who were in good health, were greeted by Uttarakhand’s chief minister with traditional marigold garlands, and celebrations ensued with sweets and firecrackers.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:39

Gaza: ceasefire extended

On 30 November Israel and Hamas struck a last-minute agreement to extend their ceasefire for a seventh day. Both sides agreed to extend the truce, with Hamas releasing more hostages and Israel receiving a list of those to be freed. So far, 97 hostages have been released by Hamas and 180 prisoners by Israel: however, there are reports that israel has been arresting more Palestinians. Washington hoped the truce could be extended further to free more hostages and let more aid reach Gaza. The ceasefire has allowed 220 lorries a day to bring in humanitarian aid to the strip, but two-thirds of its residents are homeless and more than 15,000 have been killed during the Israeli campaign. The USA has urged Israel to specify safe zones for Palestinian civilians if and when its offensive resumes. Meanwhile, soon after the agreement three people have been killed and six injured by Hamas gunmen in Jerusalem: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:30

Tajikistan: challenges facing the Church

Tajikistan is a beautiful mountainous country; the Tajik language is related to Iranian. After gaining independence in the early 1990s, the country endured a tribal-based civil war that resulted in significant loss of life. Despite having untapped mineral and hydro-electric potential, the economy has never fully recovered from the conflict, poverty is widespread, and it is Central Asia’s poorest nation. Islamic influence has grown, with the construction of impressive mosques and changes in clothing styles. The Church experienced growth in the 1990s but has since stalled, and Christians represent only 0.1% of the population. Local leadership is emerging, and church leaders collaborate to address cultural issues and establish guidelines. Sadly, many church members and even some leaders have emigrated for work or in hopes of a better life. Nevertheless, we praise God for each Tajik believer. Previously dominated by Russian culture and language, the church is now taking steps towards establishing its own identity.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 November 2023 09:09

Israel / Gaza: hostage deal, four-day pause

Israel and Hamas have struck a deal to exchange fifty hostages in Gaza for a four-day ceasefire. This agreement also includes the release of 150 Palestinian women and teenagers held in Israeli prisons and an increase in humanitarian aid for Gaza. The four-day pause came into effect on 24 November, with Israel offering to extend it even further if Hamas agreed to release more hostages. Joe Biden has welcomed the deal, hoping it will end the suffering of the hostages and alleviate the plight of innocent Palestinian families. Until the ceasefire, Israel continued the conflict, with at least 300 airstrikes within 24 hours: see Israel remains committed to its mission to eliminate Hamas and secure the release of over 200 hostages captured in October. Hamas sees this agreement as an opportunity for Palestinians to recover after enduring an intense Israeli military operation. 

Published in Worldwide

A rescue operation to free 41 Indian tunnel workers, trapped for twelve days in the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkhand state, has reached its final stage. Rescuers are just metres away from the workers, and stretchers and ambulances are on standby. The tunnel collapsed during a landslide on 12 November. The trapped men, although free to move around and supplied with food and drink, have been suffering from various ailments, including headaches, nausea, anxiety, and depression. Psychiatrists have been monitoring their mental health and advising activities like yoga and conversations to maintain morale. The oldest worker, who has been in a similar situation before, has been encouraging the others to keep their confidence high. As the rescue nears completion, there are hopes that they will very soon be released from their ordeal. However, there has been anger about how long the rescue operation has taken.

Published in Worldwide

In Gaza, a significant number of Muslim men have recently converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing visions of Jesus in their dreams, an event described as miraculous by underground Christian communities in the area. This phenomenon was first reported online by Michael Licona, a Christian apologist and professor at Houston Christian University. The report by the underground Christian ministries detailed their efforts to aid hundreds of fathers who had lost their children in the war. These men were moved to safety, fed, clothed, and introduced to the Bible, which led to over 200 of them experiencing visions of Jesus in their dreams. Licona, while expressing his stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, highlighted the importance of this event for Christians worldwide. He noted the small Christian population in Gaza, which is less than 1% and potentially as low as 1,000 individuals.

Published in Praise Reports