IPC Connections
As our whole city of HK is celebrating the 20th anniversary of returning to China, many wonderful historical things are fall unto place at the same time! Yet, July 1 is indeed a new era for our City as our new Chief Executive is inaugurating into the 5th Special Administrative…
Vision Document and International Invitation www.10DAYS.net Already this year we're aware of over 30 locations around the US and the world that are planning 10 Days.   No doubt, we'll be adding new locations in the days and weeks ahead. More than numbers, I'm encouraged by the quality of what is emerging. …
The story behind Ceaseless http://ceaselessprayer.com I’ll be the first to admit that I can be pretty selfish. Prayer isn’t something you’d normally think of as self-centered, but there was a time in my life when I managed to make it about myself. All of my prayers were about me—my anxieties,…
The burden to pray in Europe was born around the year 2011 during one of my prayer journeys in USA. I have been praying in USA since 2009 following a burden placed upon my heart during a visit to the grave of David Brainerd and Jonathan Edwards in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. But…
'An attempt to overturn November's election and forcibly remove a duly elected president' http://www.wnd.com/2017/06/new-warning-resistance-turning-into-american-coup/ Please pray that the human and spiritual forces of division and hate will be bound and overthrown in the USA and that the institutions of government and the media will serve the American people honestly and…
Religious leaders have achieved a truce between rebel groups in the Central African Republic through a ‘spiritually inspired’ method. JUNE 20, 2017 —One of Africa’s worst conflicts may have finally ended through a rare type of diplomacy. On June 19, more than a dozen armed groups in the Central African Republic…
The Finishing the Task initiative is helping to coordinate the final push to share Christ’s Good News with the last unreached peoples. Would you please consider adopting one of these people groups and beginning to pray for them until they are reached? It will make a huge difference because Jesus…
October 15th will be the first of eight annual global prayer gatherings to centralize the spiritual unity and power of prayer against all spiritual forces of evil that are preventing the Bible translation movement from reaching the remaining 1,600+ Bibleless languages with His Word. Please pray: Please join us in…
Russia threatens power grids with cyber weapon.  The Washington Post reports hackers allied with the Russian government have devised a cyber-weapon that has the potential to be the most disruptive yet against electric systems that have the potential to disrupt all American lives.  The malware, which researchers have dubbed CrashOverride, is known to have…
Syrian rebels close to victory over ISIS in Raqqa.  The Atlantic reports Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) could be days away from victory over ISIS in Raqqa.  The SDF, a group of Kurdish and Arab fighters backed by the U.S., have captured a number of key areas near Raqqa.  That announcement signals their progress of a…
Robert Maginnis who once was a Pentagon insider has helped guide our prayers about security issues. Here is his analysis about some of the hot spots of our world: Mattis declares North Korea “most urgent.”  The Washington Post reports Defense Secretary Jim Mattis declared North Korea the “most urgent and dangerous threat to…
These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. - Acts 1:14 The Book of Acts is one of the most fascinating studies of the efficacy of prayer in all of Scripture. Luke's account…