IPC Connections
Our vision as Jesus followers is way too small! Let’s be honest. We mainly focus on ourselves and our families, with all our problems and needs. We may at times pray for our own church, and if we are keeping up with the news and big-hearted enough, we may also…
Friends, here is an update from Bernd Oettinghaus, the coordinator of the prayer effort in Hamburg and Berthold Becker of Kainos Ministries on what has been happening there during the recent G20: Thanks for all who responded to our spontaneous prayer initiative joining in with the many initiatives mobilizing prayer…
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2017 is a very special year on God´s calendar, especially for Israel: 120 years from the First Zionist World Congress 100 years from the Balfour Declaration 70 years from the UN Resolution 181 50 years from the Six-Day war and unification of…
This abbreviated article is taken from Crosswalk and written by Debbie Przybylski of Intercessors Arise International, “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from…
There are many stories these days of government trampling parental rights, but what happens when parents are the ones doing the trampling? Recently on BreakPoint we talked about the tough case of recently deceased Charlie Gard—the terminally ill baby whom British courts decided should die in the hospital rather than…
My word …will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isa 55:11 TRANSLATION OF THE SCRIPTURES This is one of the areas that the devil tries the hardest to stop. People come to believe through God’s Word.…
Global Prayer and Missions Leaders from around the world are linking together in unprecedented ways. There is a great need in this season to see how we can collaborate together in more effective ways. We would like to share this opportunity with you. As a part of this conference there…
The NEW annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians and churches worldwide to take 15 days October 8-22 to learn about and pray for our world’s over one billion Hindu friends. That period also encompasses the significant Hindu Festival of Light (Diwali). The informative prayer guide booklets will help Christians…
Russia: 755 U.S. Diplomatic Staff to be Expelled, President Says. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia will expel 755 U.S. diplomatic staff and could consider imposing additional measures against the United States as a response to new U.S. sanctions, Reuters reported July 30. Moscow ordered the United States on July…
We are sharing this word about North Korea, from Rick Ridings who many readers will remember from the World Prayer Assembly: My friend Dutch Sheets sent out a call to prayer and prophetic word concerning North Korea yesterday on July 7th. That same day, I was with a team at…
Prayer is about God and His purposes for our world. It is not just a devotional activity or punching the clock to satisfy a sense of religious duty. It is getting in sync with Him for the joy of that most intimate of relationships and out of that prayer partnership…
Dr. Jason Hubbard, Director, LOWPCThe International Prayer and Mission Leaders' Consultation, May 8-12th convened together 120 of the world's top prayer and mission's leaders from 34 nations. We partnered together with the International Prayer Council, www.ipcprayer.org led by John Robb. In John's words, "Together, we transacted business with the King…