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Displaying items by tag: zoom

Friday, 27 November 2020 07:02

Global Family 24/7 Prayer Room for 2021

We are excited to announce the launch of a Global Online 24/7 Prayer Room beginning January 1st of 2021! This "Global Family" is a collaboration of many international ministries from all six continents and will be hosted in many languages using Zoom.

We would like to invite YOU to join us. Each hour will be Spirit-led, Bible-based, Worship-fed, and Christ-exalted times of prayer to multiple gospel movements across the earth. We are encouraging facilitators to include a special time each hour on the remaining unreached peoples.

First, we want to invite you (personally, your church, city, organization, network, etc.) to join us when available each week of 2021 to join hands with this collaboration in prayer.

Second, we'd like to invite you (with at least one back up person who could act as room host) to commit to facilitating prayer the same hour each week for the 52 weeks of 2021.

There will be training and resources available to Hour leaders as we near to the start of the 24/7 Global Family. For more information and how to sign up, visit https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org

To Christ be the Glory,
Jonathan Friz, 10Days
Dr. Jason Hubbard & John Robb, IPC
Dr. Jonathan Armstrong, AQ
Elizabeth Adleta, FPS
Soloman Lujan, the Seed Company
Jenny Oliphant, Ethne Prayer Team

Published in IPC Prayer Alerts
Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:48

Zoom prayer event for children

On Monday 3 August, at 7pm (UK) / 2pm (EDT) / 11am (PDT), intercessors are gathering for an hour to pray for vulnerable children around the world. Participants will hear some updates from Viva Together for Children’s partner networks to inform their prayers and praise, before breaking into small groups to intercede together. May many hundreds gather to plead with one heart and one mind for the situations that desperately require prayers at present, with the coronavirus affecting the whole world in many different ways. Now is the time to gather and pray with one heart and mind. To find out more about Viva and the prayer hour, click on the ‘More’ link.

Published in Worldwide