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Displaying items by tag: work placements

Friday, 19 January 2018 10:11

Victims of slavery in UK

There are 13,000 slaves in Britain. Many argue there are many more. Those who escape suffer post-traumatic stress disorders. Many fear the police. Trust is so eroded that some are afraid to engage with charities. P worked twelve-hour days at a car wash after a ‘friend’ offered him the job. He soon discovered he wouldn't get paid. Worse was to come. The house he'd been placed in was guarded by two or three big men who took his phone and threatened to kill him if he tried to escape. One night when his guards were drunk he ran to the police. He now works in the Co-op’s ‘Bright Futures’ scheme, which helps survivors of modern slavery into work. Slavery survivors are given a four-week work placement, which ends in a non-competitive interview. If both parties are happy there is a full-time job on offer.

Published in British Isles