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Displaying items by tag: warpreparations

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for enhanced military capabilities against the US and South Korea, responding to ongoing joint military exercises between the two nations. During a visit to a training base, Kim emphasised the need for “actual war drills'' to improve combat readiness, as reported by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). This stance follows the North Korean Defense Ministry's declaration of conducting “responsible military activities'' in reaction to what they perceive as invasion preparations through the South Korean-US drills. The annual South Korean-US exercises, which are computer-simulated and involve field training, are seen as defensive by the participating countries. North Korea, which has historically responded to these drills with missile tests, continues to showcase nuclear-capable weaponry. South Korea’s Defense Ministry spokesperson, Jeon Ha Gyu, affirmed that South Korea will robustly counter any North Korean provocations, criticising the North’s portrayal of the drills as invasion rehearsals. This escalation occurs amidst a series of North Korean missile tests designed to target South Korea and the US mainland. Observers expect further tensions and provocative actions from North Korea, especially in the context of upcoming major elections in the US and South Korea.

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