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Displaying items by tag: wall of prayer

Friday, 20 September 2019 10:40

‘Wall of Answered Prayer’ update

In April 2016 Prayer Alert intercessors prayed that a vision to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer, would become a reality. The land has now been secured: the wall will be positioned by a busy motorway, with 50,000+ people driving past every day. What a wonderful testimony that Jesus is alive and has answered a million prayers! Hundreds of people are becoming involved each month. God has been providing generously. Please pray that the organisers continue to receive wonderful testimonies that will encourage and remind others of God's goodness and raise the money needed to finalise the planning phase. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 March 2017 09:19

Wall of Answered Prayer will go ahead

In April 2016, we prayed for a Kickstarter account that was set up for a Wall of Answered Prayer made of a million bricks - each brick telling the story of how Jesus answered someone’s prayer. This wall will now go ahead and be built as a national landmark in the UK. It will lead people to consider and reflect the worth of prayer, through people sharing stories of how God answered their prayers. It will become a source of inspiration. The project is being led by Christian entrepreneur Richard Gamble, former chaplain to Leicester City FC. A person can pledge £5 and get one brick, which will be linked to them and their unique story of how Jesus answered prayer. A corresponding website will be created to give details of the answered prayers. It will be like a ‘database of a million prayer testimonies.’

Published in Praise Reports