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Displaying items by tag: volatile prices

Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:39

Hope for the Countryside

Turmoil in the world has resulted in volatility and unpredictability in the commodity markets. For example, the rapeseed price paid to farmers, which rose sharply at the beginning of the season, fell again by £100 per ton as Russia flooded cereal markets. While retail prices for groceries continue to escalate, the price paid for milk to farmers has just been reduced by 10p per litre, a cut of 20%. Buying and selling has become frustrating and hazardous for the farmer. It is hard to pray from the perspective of such instability, so our praying is founded on scripture telling us that in the midst of confusion and difficulty, the Lord is in control, and He will be the stability of your times (Isaiah 33:5). The countryside and farming offer many signs of 'hope after despair’. Spring’s new life swallows up winter's death. Farmers sow seed in hope of reaping a harvest (John 12:24).

Published in British Isles