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Displaying items by tag: upheaval

Thursday, 15 September 2022 23:17

Upheaval for royal children

The Prince and Princess of Wales will delay moving into Windsor Castle in order to avoid more upheaval for their children after moving house just a week ago. The couple had hoped to bring a dose of normality to their three children’s lives by living in the four-bedroomed Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor estate and doing daily school runs to Lambrook School. For George, Charlotte and Louis, their first day at a new school was exciting, meeting new teachers and new friends as they embarked on their school careers. It was a milestone moment - the first time they have all been at the same school together. But now Queen Elizabeth’s death means that they moved house, had their first day at a new school and lost their great-grandmother ,in the space of six days. The Prince and Princess of Wales will eventually move into Windsor Castle or one of the larger houses on the Windsor estate.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 November 2020 20:11

Peru: seven days of upheaval

A lot can happen in seven days. A president was ousted. An interim president resigned. A new president was sworn in. The nation is in political upheaval, with Peruvians in protests marked by accusations of police brutality and a devastating economic decline. They also have the third highest per capita Covid mortality rate. Beneath these pressing issues lies an even more critical spiritual reality. Though 94% claim to be Christian, the majority have yet to know the life-changing love, freedom, and forgiveness of Jesus. Most adhere to traditional Catholicism, often mixed with indigenous beliefs. Fifteen people groups remain tragically unreached by the Gospel. See

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