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Displaying items by tag: underage vaping

Thursday, 02 March 2023 20:24

More teenagers vaping

Concerns have been raised that the growing use of vapes among young people may lead to them smoking cigarettes. Kent County Council has urged businesses and residents to report to trading standards officers any illegal vapes and underage sales. Vaping products containing nicotine are required by law to carry a warning label on the box, and sales of vaping products to those under the age of 18 are banned. The Local Government Association wants new measures to regulate the display and marketing of vaping products in the same way as tobacco. England's chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty said some products are intended to appeal to those who are underage, and that the UK should do ‘everything we can’ to reduce vaping among children. A grammar school headteacher said shops ‘entice’ young people with bright and colourful advertising.

Published in British Isles