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Displaying items by tag: underage gambling

Friday, 25 October 2019 09:54

Children gamble with their own money

The Gambling Commission published its 2019 survey of gambling trends of 11- to 16-year-olds in the UK. 36% had spent money on gambling. Those who had gambled in the previous week spent £17 on average. Bets with friends, scratch-cards, and slot machines were the most popular; online gambling continues to be a particular problem. 12% had played an online gambling-style computer game, 47% of them doing so on an app. 52% had heard of in-game items, with 44% playing by using birthday or Christmas present money. Sadly 41% of young people do not believe gambling is dangerous, but the commission is partnering with GambleAware to develop education and prevention programmes to increase awareness and protect such vulnerable people from the harms of gambling.

Published in British Isles