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Displaying items by tag: unchurched

Friday, 03 March 2017 10:43

London City Mission: gym and Bible study

Missionary Tim Fielder is spearheading a ministry called Body and Soul Fitness that combines personal training with discipleship of unchurched young men. ‘I often talked to others about God at my gym. So I thought ‘What about a gym session and Bible study together?’ Then a Christian youth club offered us a place to use as much as we want. As well as a group gym session on Wednesdays there are personal sessions between three and five hours long, with 30/40-minute personal training and 20/30 minute Bible study over a protein shake, all completely free. Most of the men are between 16-19, some up to 24. Some are in college or school, some are not in education, employment or training and get recommended through a Future and Hope Employment Project. The one-to-ones seem to be working. There’s something about being in the macho atmosphere of a gym with opportunities for being humbled or affirmed.

Published in British Isles