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Displaying items by tag: trypraying

Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:03

Outreach: Trypraying

Trypraying is for the non-religious who don’t do church. Trypraying banners are appearing on buses, billboards and buildings. Some fly on a wind farm in Scotland, on the turnstiles of a railway station and one was on the route of the Tour de Yorkshire. Why? People pray when they see them, and it opens up conversations around faith. 400+ churches are currently using Trypraying across the UK and 40,000 booklets were printed and shipped to the USA, with 10,000 children's booklets and 10,000 youth booklets. A Spanish edition is coming soon. Churches are using Trypraying, as is a whole diocese in Leicestershire! Other churches are joining it with 'Thy Kingdom Come'. How does it work? Each person in a congregation thinks of and prays for a person, and then they give that person a Trypraying booklet to use and then hand on to someone else.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 April 2018 22:47

Trypraying resource for Churches

In 2018 Churches in towns, villages and cities are trying a risky, whole-church activity that has us all praying and getting into conversations of worth. Trypraying, a seven-day prayer guide for people who wouldn’t darken a church door, is available as a booklet or a smartphone app. Many people who would not consider themselves religious do pray. ‘Trypraying’ is written for them. It is a simple challenge, in accessible language, to try praying for seven days and see what happens. It includes short stories of answers to prayer. There are things to do each day and a short prayer to pray. It is not a preach, but it does help people to open their lives to their Maker and find His influence and truth. It explains clearly the good news of Jesus, and anyone who works their way through the booklet runs the risk of becoming a Christian.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 November 2017 09:39

Trypraying booklet for prisoners

This came from a request by chaplains who wanted a prisoner-friendly version of the original trypraying booklet. Written in collaboration with prisoners, it is based around the idea of ‘how to pray’ and uses prisoner testimonies, Bible stories, bold imagery and simple wording to introduce the Christian faith and the good news of Jesus. As well as being an engaging read for prisoners, it’s a useful tool for volunteers and workers, that opens up conversation in a natural way.

prisons booklet photo

This version is geared towards male prisoners with a women’s version currently in production.

Churches are being invited to sponsor a minimum of 20 copies for their local or regional prison. The booklet is £1.00 per copy and can be ordered online at: www.thereishope.co.uk/resources/ or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the office on 0131 202 6449


Published in Books