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Displaying items by tag: time to pray

Wednesday, 21 June 2017 16:59

It is time!

Across the nation people are saying “It is time to pray.” No wonder we have been rapidly plunged into a time of confusion and uncertainty. Terrorism has created fear and suspicion and we have the grief of devastated parents, families and friends and the increasing pressure on our public services.

The Grenfell Tower fire has added to that fear and grief and created a sense of rage against greed and lack of care that exposed so many people to the fast spreading flames.

The political uncertainty surrounding a hung parliament and a Prime Minister who many see as ‘damaged goods’ is creating a lack of confidence – happening so soon before complex and difficult Brexit talks adds to the nation’s vulnerability.

On top of all this, we have a range of vitriolic attacks on Christian politicians that either causes them to water down the gospel or risk being silenced in a range of areas.


The United Kingdom urgently needs your prayers. In June and July, we are asking church leaders to give prayer a central part in their services, small groups and bible studies to put quality time aside for prayer. As individuals, pray how you want to – in a quiet place, on a busy bus, in your car, at home, work, school or leisure.


Here are four simple to follow themes:

Key leaders
Pray for key people in the nation and locally, that God will give them great wisdom and authority.
• Cressida Dick – the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and other Police leaders.
• Politicians – all of them under enormous stress – from Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn, Amber Rudd the Home secretary and David Davis leading the Brexit negotiations.
• Pray for our national church leaders to be heard.

Pray as you drive, walk and travel “Lord protect and defend this area”.
• For God to expose and confuse terrorists.
• Pray against lawlessness breaking out on our streets or clashes between different communities.
• Pray for the Anti-terrorist teams near you to have Godly wisdom and insight.

Against fear
The enemy’s tactic is to make us afraid to go anywhere, to put a divide between Muslims and other communities and undermine our confidence that God is Sovereign.
• Pray for God does not give us a spirit of fear “but gives us love, power and self-discipline.” 2 Tim: 1.7. We are in an intense spiritual battle.
• Pray for God’s love, power and self-discipline to replace fear in crowded areas, schools, and communities.

God’s Kingdom to Come
We are in a spiritual battle. Many people are coming to Christ including many Muslims. The nation has been stirred to pray and the enemy hates the church, hates children and hates the Gospel. In the midst of uncertainty, let us pray this simple but powerful prayer – “Your Kingdom Come and your will be done” in the places we love.

Jesus wept. The Holy Spirit is the comforter. Let us pray for a great hunger for the presence of God in His Church. This nation needs the love of Christ and the peace of the Holy Spirit and it needs a Church that can take Jesus into every corner of our Isles. So our final prayer is:

“Lord draw me close to You, may I see Your face and know the depth of Your love. Amen”


Published in WPC News