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Displaying items by tag: suicide increases

Thursday, 04 March 2021 20:39

Hope for the Countryside: seeds of prayer

In recent weeks we have heard of declining mental health and increasing suicide among many, including young people and those working in farming. Pressures on the latter have been immense over the last year, due to weather, Covid, Brexit, bovine TB and bird flu. Continue to pray for all working in farming and on the land and for those ministering to them in any way. Pray for their physical and emotional protection and for them to cry out to the Lord, come to know Him, and experience His love for the first time. A good maxim for the countryside is ‘Leave only footprints, keep to the paths, take only photographs, kill nothing but time’. In recent years, public concern for the environment and wildlife and appreciation of farmers and farming have grown. As lockdown eases and the weather improves, visitors will head to the countryside; may they remember this motto.

Published in British Isles