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Displaying items by tag: stories of freedom

Thursday, 21 May 2020 23:52

Uganda: Sarah’s story

Sarah remembers her childhood fondly. She was close to her parents, who were always loving towards her, and she never saw them fight. She pursued her studies and helped her parents care for her four siblings. Tragically, when she was 16, her father passed away. Sarah was forced to leave school and work so that her siblings could continue their education. Next she met Komakech. He won her affection and they began living together. Sarah thought he would take good care of her family. But she slowly became aware of his violent nature. Within three months he became violent, drinking and abusing Sarah physically, and emotionally. One in two Ugandan women experience spousal abuse. Rates are higher in northern Uganda. To read Sarah’s story of freedom. click the ‘More’ button.

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